Ginger, my name is actually George. Thanks so much for getting back to me. Been fighting heart problems for several years, and now this. I've also survived cancer... so, "one day at a time." Thanks for your words of wisdom regarding diet. I've done some reading on this, and you are right on! I do drink water all day... but I could drink more, especially when the weather turns cold... I drink plenty in the hot summer, but not so much in winter.
I'm fatigued a lot, which I understand is one of the symptoms of this. For years I've worked out and ridden my bike... a lot :)... but the last 3 months have been tough. I think this is another good reason to see a nephrologist.
Lastly, for about a year through 2021, I contracted a urinary tract infection almost monthly. No one could find out why? Again, reading what I've read about CKD, infections can also be a symptom. What else should I be looking for symptomatically? What questions should I ask a nephrologist?
I've read your profile... so sorry you've suffered so much. I will keep you in my prayers. My wife has myeloma. Diagnosed 6 years ago... Thanks for doing what you do in the "connection group"... I'll stay in touch.
@obone Hi George, glad you are following your health closely.
More than likely you have bloodwork pulled every so often. In chronic kidney disease, it is typically every three months. You and your team will want to look at trends, not a single set of values [unless it is a dramatic change]. Generally watching eGFR, calcium, creatinine, BUN values will give you a good indication of where your CKD is at. Ask your team about the connection for you of heart disease and CKD, plus any other co-morbidities. We are all individuals, so what will hold true for me may not be right for you. Factor in medications you take, also. Honestly, you might get some pushback from doctors, saying there is no rush to be proactive, but it sounds like you have been with heart issues, so tell them you want to do the same with a kidney condition!
As I said above, diet is the biggest factor that you can control. Add in exercise, stress moderation, positive outlook, being proactive all will work in your favor.
Thank you for your comment on my situation. How is your wife doing these days?