← Return to cramping with no ovaries, cervix, or uterus?


cramping with no ovaries, cervix, or uterus?

Women's Health | Last Active: Jan 24, 2023 | Replies (60)

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Welcome to Connect, @epohyag43,

While we wait for other members to share their insights, I thought you might wish to view these recent journal studies about chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) after hysterectomy:

@epohyag43, may I ask what symptoms you're experiencing, that could be related to Crohn's disease?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect, @epohyag43, While we wait for other members to share their insights, I thought..."

I for one, occasionally experience what feels like menstrual cramps, mostly in right side. Had complete hysterectomy in 2008, and have had issues for past 3 to 4 years of very greasy, sloppy stools, after taking many antibiotics for repeated UTIs. Taking some fat digestion tablets for some time now, which seems to at least keep my bowel issues (mostly) in the morning, usually 3-5 dumps within about an hour or hour & 1/2. Then done with it until either just before bed, or again in the morning. Have been maintaining weight at about 130 to 135 for these past few years. Also now taking D-Mannose for the UTIs, which usually helps, but when I do get them is always the same bacteira (ecoli). Just wondering mostly about the feeling of menstrual cramps, what that might be from. I am 71 years of age.