Anyone on Gemcitabine with Abraxane? How long? Effective?

Posted by helenar @helenar, Aug 17, 2022

Hi, I'm Helena from South Africa. I have been diagnosed with PC, stage 4, in March. Tumour between body and tail and with one lesion on my liver.
I have been on Folfirinox for 3months, but it had no effect, allthough my markers came down from 3091 to 357, the tumour increased in size and there is another lesion on my liver.
I have started Gemcitabine with Abraxane.
Has anyone been on Gemcitabine/Abraxane?
If so, how long and how effective is this treatment?

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Thank you, Woodlanddsm- very helpful. They are using lasix, and my husband is trying to exercise the fluid out of his legs. Don't know if that can help, but worth a try. I'm glad to hear the Napoli combo is working for your brother.
Wishing you continued improvement.


My husband who was on Gemcitabine/Abraxane for two cycles (3 wks on+1 wk off) has been determined to be allergic to the Gem. After the bleeding ulcer followed by 12 days in hospital for capillary leak syndrome, which was pretty scary, he is on Prednisone for 2 months to control that. He is getting a rest from chemo to rebuild his HB, strength and energy, and then will start a new regimen of Fluorouracil & Irinotecan on Sept 30. Hopefully the cancer will not have re-energized itself and the new drugs will be effective. We are just waiting to see what the new side effects will be, but he's enjoying having an appetite again (even if it is partly steroid-driven) and he's feeling well enough to exercise. Fingers crossed.


I have stage III-IV inoperable pancreatic cancer. I started gem/abrax on Sept 1. Came up allergic to abrax with the 2nd infusion. I chose to try a 20% reduction and continued the 3rd infusion with both gem/abrax on the 16th. So far so good. No allergic reaction to date. I feel better every day with more energy.


Hi Helena,
How are you doing on the gemcitibine/abraxane treatment? My husband finished 2 months on that treatment. Brought his ca19-9 down from 488 to 60. We are in Rochester right now. Thought he would be able to have the Whipple surgery yesterday but when the surgeon got in there he found a lymph node low in his abdomen that was positive for cancer. The surgeon had seen it on the Pet scan and it looked suspicious. Unfortunately he is now stage 4 and surgery is no longer an option. We have an appointment today to discuss further chemo options or possibly a clinical trial. Such a frustrating cancer. I hope you are tolerating the chemo.


All of the best!!! I am starting my 2nd round of Gem/Abraxane on Thursday the 8th (had 3 sessions already, then a week off) and still I did not experience any of the side affects (except for loosing my hair) that I have read about, and I thank God every day for it. I hope that you will not suffer any of the nasty side affects. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers!

Attached is a photo of me and my Mom ♥

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A great photo, suitable for framing!


I was on Gemzar (short name) and Abraxane for about 2 months but got off Abraxine because I had a kidney, lung infection and could not get up one morning so ended up in hospital for IV antibiotics. Now I'm on just Gemzar until scan. First scan showed reduced growth in cancer mets in lung. The pancreas is stable. I was also rundown pre hospital from trip to Hawaii and trip to nieces wedding afterward. The second treatment of Abraxine I lost my hair but growing back with gemzar. I'm 73 with stage 4 pancreas cancer but it has been slow growing. It is a recurrence in lungs after being NED for almost three years. I'm getting treatment at UCLA. Good luck with treatment. leigh


I was on Gemzar (short name) and Abraxane for about 2 months but got off Abraxine because I had a kidney, lung infection and could not get up one morning so ended up in hospital for IV antibiotics. Now I'm on just Gemzar until scan. First scan showed reduced growth in cancer mets in lung. The pancreas is stable. I was also rundown pre hospital from trip to Hawaii and trip to nieces wedding afterward. The second treatment of Abraxine I lost my hair but growing back with gemzar. I'm 73 with stage 4 pancreas cancer but it has been slow growing. It is a recurrence in lungs after being NED for almost three years. I'm getting treatment at UCLA. Good luck with treatment. leigh

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Thank you Leigh, it is SO good to read some positive news. I'm going for my scan on the 24th (then I would have completed 9 sessions of Gem/Abraxane) I am PRAYING that my scan will show positive results. I also lost my hair soon after my 1st session, but it is starting to grow back nicely. Good luck with your treatments and I will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong.


Hi Helena
My cousin Maryann is also on Gem/Abraxane and has been on this treatment for 16 months now !!! It has kept her tumor the same size or shrunk it a little. She is able to handle it with few side affects Maryann has nausea for a day or two after treatment and she is tired however the treatment is helping her live her life with her family and grandchildren. In fact she is still working. Naturally she takes off from work a day or two on the week of treatment. Her boss is very understanding and looks out for her. Maryann has her treatment every other week and we always go out for lunch afterwards. Good luck to you. Let us know how the treatment is working Stay positive !
Sincerely Susan


My husband is on his 6th cycle but they have had to lower dosage and has missed one treatment while his platelets get back up to a safe level. CA 19-9 down from over 4000 to 600. No growth. Has anyone else had the platelet and dose reduction issue? He is 3 weeks on, one off.


Hi Helena
My cousin Maryann is also on Gem/Abraxane and has been on this treatment for 16 months now !!! It has kept her tumor the same size or shrunk it a little. She is able to handle it with few side affects Maryann has nausea for a day or two after treatment and she is tired however the treatment is helping her live her life with her family and grandchildren. In fact she is still working. Naturally she takes off from work a day or two on the week of treatment. Her boss is very understanding and looks out for her. Maryann has her treatment every other week and we always go out for lunch afterwards. Good luck to you. Let us know how the treatment is working Stay positive !
Sincerely Susan

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Wow!!! I also have little or no side effects. I do have some body ache a day or two afterwards, but that's it! I am also still working full day. I work for a family owned Engineering Comp and they are SO good to me. I am working from home, and they don't expect from me to work full day, but I feel good, and it keeps my mind busy!
My CA19-9 count was 3587 when I was diagnosed in March, yesterday my Oncologist phoned me with my latest results and it's on 107 !! I will post an update after my scan on the 24th.

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