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My condition is now about 2 and 1/2 years old. I have given up. I just live with it. Sometimes it is hard to breath. I am not seeing any doctors.


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Thank you for your reply. I am at the point that I have to do something with my sinus drainage problem. My deviated septum is a 70/80% blockage in one side of my nose. I need to get it corrected. According to my ENT Dr. the hole in my sinus will be opened up with surgery. It seems to me that a "hole in sinus" should be closed but it is apparently not the case. I would appreciate more input about this if anyone on the Mayo Clinic ENT forum can help.

I have the excess phlegm in my sinuses and goes to my throat. I, too, have a septum problem: I have a hole in my septum. I use NeilMed nasal rinse and that helps temporarily and also fluticasone nasal spray. Not permanent solutions, but I decided not to surgically mess with these areas.

Sorry about all the replies - I just found this discussion board.

When you are having difficulty breathing.
Go to Wendy's and grab a handful of straws. Cut them in half, evenly. Place a straw in your mouth like a cigarette and breathe through it. The keys to this are that you have to take normal breaths and your lips have to be closed. At first it is difficult to take normal breaths. Just stick with it and you'll see a difference within a couple of days. Try to use the straw as often as you can. I found that placing the straw at the side of my mouth with it resting between my teeth (lips are still closed) works the best, Hell, I was even able to fall asleep with the straw when it was on the side. At first, you can use your nose to breathe along with the straw. Once you figure out to just take normal breaths, the straw will be your new best friend.

Lastly, I totally understand your frustration. I just want to tell you that you have helped me tremendously just from reading your original post. And in return, I will post on this thread every time I do anything with our issue. I will not give up on this. And once I/we figure this out, I will be on here to let everyone know.

I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After seven tests with my second GI doctor, we found out that my gallbladder stopped functioning. Basically, it started going bad, decreasing in its functioning, then just stopped. A day after having the gallbladder removed, I was able to clear my throat AND produce a loogie. Which, by the way, I have not been able to do in nearly two years, or at least since this had started.

My symptoms that started January 8, 2022. Yeah, over a year and a half.
1. Not able to clear my throat
2. Ridiculous post nasal drip
3. LPR-d with the vocal issues
3a. The vocal issues are what caused my breathing issues. I would run out of breath just having a very basic conversation. Short of breath walking to check the
mail. Sensation of needing to take a deep breath. Almost felt like I was trying to breathe through a heavy filter in my throat. Or like something was blocking my
4. Feeling bloated all the time. Just not able to get rid of the gas. Which, caused the LPR-d
5. Couldn't make a loogie. Listen, it's not that I wanted to go around spitting loogies, but I would at least like to be able to do something so easy. I just could not get the mucus/phlegm from my nose to my mouth so I could do the launching. Not trying to be gross here, but when you can't physically do something that you have done your entire life, you want to know why.

I had gone to: primary care, cardiologist, allergist, otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, and a speech therapist.
Test: honestly ... too many to list

If your symptoms are similar, and are not getting anywhere with what your doctors are doing now, then at least get your gall bladder checked. It is a very easy, simple test. You just sit there and watch YouTube videos.