@donyork Oh, dear! Quite the range of conditions to have to monitor! Moderate exercise, lots of fluids, good protein [little to no processed meats]. Watch the potassium, phosphorous, and calcium, and processed sugars in your foods. When dealing with different health issues, I actually created a library or spreadsheet of what I could choose from. Sometimes, something has to give, and while sometimes I will hear, "everything in moderation" for me that plan doesn't work. My mind has a difficult time that idea of "moderation", being an emotional eater at times.
Ask you primary care for referral to a dietician, or from the oncology center you attend. Mine conducted a telephonic review with me and included a renal approach, with was great!
What do you do right now for a diet and foods that work for you?
@gingerw, many of us follow you regularly for your tremendously great advice on many topics, especially kidney disease. I know you started dialysis recently, and if you can share a little bit of what you are going through at this stage and why you chose the form of dialysis you are receiving now, I for one would appreciate it. I hope you feel today as well as can be under these circumstances. While many of us are in Stage 3 & 4 today, there remains that possibility that Stage 5 may soon follow for our future. You are such a gifted person who has helped me as well as others. Your journey of disesse has taken many forms and years, and you have been so proactive with your battle. If this is too personal, then there is no reason to share, and I apologize for asking.