← Return to Pancreatic Cancer - No signs of spread, Whipple Candidate

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I hope all goes well - I got my tumor in the middle and it’s so close to the arteries they keep trying to shrink
It so I can have surgery (caught very early 2cm) - I lived a great life but I am torn between constant pain chemo and otherwise and the burning desire to see my 12 y/o grow up. He is acting pretty cool but kinda clams up when any body talks to him about it. I have always been factual with him including now. I’m hoping that you have a successful surgery. I use terms like just in case stuff goes wrong and in the future I’d I get really sick... just trying to prepare him... I also find a cool uncle or auntie makes conversation a little less intense. Sorry to be scattered but in pain meds -sending good vibes your way.

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Replies to "I hope all goes well - I got my tumor in the middle and it’s so..."

@dubbscopper, thanks so much for this very salient advice in the midst of your treatment! I pray you see your 12 year-old grow to manhood - he sounds like a cool kid doing his best to be brave for you.

My boys are 15 and 17 years but I still see my babies. The younger is very introverted like his Dad, and even harder to read than most teens at that age but my firstborn is super positive and has a 'no matter what' attitude I frankly draw strength from. My father and brother are the consummate 'cool grandpa and uncle' and I know they will be there for the boys, especially when my hubby needs a break.

Thanks again for connecting ... I wish you WELL!