← Return to Thumb arthritis: Did anyone have carpometacarpal (CMC) surgery?

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Good evening @dmk, as a matter of fact, I have had that surgery on both thumbs. The left one was done 10 years ago and the right one was done early this year. I am more than just satisfied with the results. I am thrilled. ......Especially with the right one. That is my dominant hand and it is great to be able to open the salad dressing again.

I haven't heard the word knotted used before. However, my tendon removal scar is about 4 inches long. The thumb from the recent surgery is much more flexible than the older one. Perhaps that is because I had PT and did at-home exercises for a couple of months this time.

If there is any experience that surprised me it was the "hard brace" I had to wear for three months post-surgery recently. It both hindered my recovery and enhanced it. "Hindered" because I was unable to do things that I wanted to do like drive. "Enhanced" because it kept me from overusing the thumb which is on my dominant hand.

Is this the information you wanted? Anything else? Have you selected a surgeon?

May you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.

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Replies to "Good evening @dmk, as a matter of fact, I have had that surgery on both thumbs...."

There are alternatives to loosing your FCR tendon (the LRTI procedure) - Tightrope uses biosynthetic string instead of your tendon, Bio Pro and Stablyx are implants that keep your trapezium in place, although cutting the FCR may be required. Each of these procedures offer different outcomes, and are designed to accommodate your needs. What do you want to be able to do after the surgery? With LRTI and Tightrope, you usually get great pain relief, keep your grip strength, but lose your pinch strength - so 4 of the surgeons in my area have explained to me. I had the Stablyx implant (had to go to San Fransisco because all of the surgeons here refused). I had my pinch strength back and stronger in 1 month, but the rest is taking longer. For me, doing the pt exercises post-op is critical, and after almost a year, I still take a moment to do mine, to keep up my strength. Pinch strength is important to me because of my woodworking hobbies - gripping odd-shaped pieces between thumb and forefinger.
Anyway, check out the blogs on these other procedures for other opinions. Hope they help you decide, and hope you get relief from your pain.
Good luck

Thanks for the info. I see a military hand surgeon, Dr Hyatt. The first injection I had lasted almost 5 weeks pain free second one hasn’t worked very well. He has me in therapy to strengthen thumb preop. Osteoarthritis is mild to moderate but I have already had an RTS and TKR that I waited til severe not sure I want to wait that long to fix. It’s a long recovery period but shouldn’t be as long as my RTS but about same as my TKR was. Brace doesn’t stop pain either. My TKR is awesome! My RTS is very good but still have area he could not fix so I get dry needling every three weeks and tape it which has been good as I don’t want to live on anti-inflammatories for forever. Getting older is no fun! Thanks for your experience.

On Oct 5, 2022, at 11:04 PM, Mayo Clinic Connect wrote: