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I’ve only had it once and initially alcohol was blamed because it occurred the day after we’d attended a party. But after examination, taking my history and some blood tests, they decided that although alcohol is a definite trigger, the fact that I hadn’t taken my thyroid or BP meds for 5 days, was more likely the cause because my BP at the hospital was off the chart. I still drink red wine every day, and it’s been three years since that event without further ado.

My husbands Afib has twice been triggered by physical posture. If he crouches down, as if to wash a floor, he goes into Afib. Sounds weird but he’s 6ft4 so maybe the vagus nerve is getting compressed somehow? This being said, the doctors at the hospital gave this theory very little credence so…🤷🏻‍♀️

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Replies to "I’ve only had it once and initially alcohol was blamed because it occurred the day after..."

Sometimes when I bent down forward in a sitting position, I feel Afib coming on. If I straighten up quickly, it goes away.