← Return to Brachioradial pruritus. (severe itching on forearms and neck, no rash).

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Hello all. Found this thread after suffering for a month with severe itch which started in my right shoulder, then swiftly moved to the entire arm. I have tried acupuncture which gave instant (albeit short lived) relief although I believe that triggered itching in the left arm too and it is CONSTANT. My GP is useless and suggested I moisturise my right arm. I have read nearly every single response on this thread and am left feeling utterly helpless. I honestly don’t think I can take anymore. Whisky ice packs do help my acupuncturist said that nerves love heat - which provides zero relief! I’m feeling desperate 😞

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Replies to "Hello all. Found this thread after suffering for a month with severe itch which started in..."

Greetings @lizzie85, welcome to Connect. Our purpose is to introduce members to each other to expand their knowledge of the condition and symptoms they are experiencing. I have what is called neuropathic itch that rises in flares that can go way beyond my arms.

Recently I received approval of my dermatologist's prescription for Dupixent, http://www.dupixent.com. This is an internal medication for which the dosage is an injection every two weeks. You will be taught how to handle the injections by yourself. It only takes a few minutes. I notice that pruritus is one of the diagnosed conditions that can be helped with Dupixent.

I can imagine that you will experience the relief I am experiencing. And my skin is beginning to look healthy again, now that I have stopped scratching. It has truly been a gift to me.

Another "itch" medication that may be worth keeping in your purse at all times is Dermeleve, http://www.dermeleve.com. This topical offers a response within 15 minutes or so and lasts about 6 hours. It is a port in the storm, so to speak. You can purchase it OTC online at the site. It is not expensive and worth a try.

Good luck with these. The itch for me is actually worse than pain. I have collapsed from the suffering and have been treated in the ER several times. I understand the panic it causes and your inability to continue to deal with it.

Please let me know what you decide and what works.
May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.