Exercise to strengthen bones (for osteoporosis)

Posted by marcd @marcd, Feb 16, 2022

It's been a challenge to find accurate information about exercise to strengthen bones. For me it's been a long process of culling out the information that is based on real research. The following seem to help according to the research data I have been able to find.
Balance training -- some say this strengthens bones, others that it simply reduces falls. But, either way, the end result is to reduce fracture risk. A web search will provide many exercises. Tai Chi improves balance.
Swimming -- this is disputed because it's not weight bearing. But there is a body of research that shows benefit for bone density. For example, one meta-analysis report found that 3-6 hours of swimming/week increases bone density. More time decreases bone density because the body is non-weight bearing for too long. Less is not enough.
Weight bearing exercises -- many reports provide extensive research demonstrating the benefit of correct exercises done in the correct way. The problem is finding out which are those exercises and how to do them. It took me months to track this down, but I was able to find the information and I can share if requested.
Walking -- If done as a weight bearing exercise this can help. That means using a weighted vest, or doing the kind of walking that results in significant impact -- for example jogging, climbing stairs, climbing stairs two at a time, jumping, dancing. It seems that walking around at a normal pace does not increase bone density.
Do not help: My research shows that the following don't help with bone density: Yoga, tai chi, pilates. However , in my opinion un-backed by any research, these could help if they were adapted to provide bone strengthening.
If anyone is interested, please advise of specific questions and I will endeavor to provide links or upload documents.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Hi Teri and group~
First let me thank you all so much for the support and info you sent me. I am looking into all of it.
I just got off the phone with the LifePro fellow...he listened to my complaints and present condition and advised me to start out in the sitting position with my hands on my knees and only use the manual program...and in the jogging foot placement. I will try this. Doing this is in a low intensity setting..not standing..I'll try it...
I got a script from my PC doc and will go for therapy..using Margaret's suggestions of what types of therapy and exercises are good for compression frxs...like myofascial release types.
Besides all this info..which I am digesting...I went to my local 'dispensary' yesterday and bought a couple of grams of CBD..with no THC....took one little toke and was amazed at how fast my back pain went away! I awoke at 3am, in pain..took another toke and that lasted until just a little while ago..I took another while I'm typing this and the pain is decreasing....lovely...without any OTC meds or oxy!
Since I've been doing all the bone building supplements as well as the stronthiem...I feel that it all has made a difference in how I've been feeling. Went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon because of my toe numbness...he showed me the x-ray where I have some swelling in my L-5-4 area that's causing this...so I'm doing natural anti-inflammatories as well. Didn't want to go for the 'iffy' injections.
We all have to find what works best for us as individuals...I like the red-infrared belt for my upper back..lower back and lay it across my knees...all of this feels really good to do as well. Doing more balance exercises as well now..boy is that ever important to do as well as being conscious of how I bend and lift...that's never easy, right? Thanks again for all you give to me and others...we all benefit from each other's experiences. Bless you all on our journey.....stay strong!

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Bunky is referring to this video about dealing with fractures, I believe.


Thank you for the information. I would like to know more about weighted exercise. For every article I read, I can find one that contradicts it. Hard to know what to do.


Will jump roping help osteoporosis? I am looking for something on the simple side I can do at home. Thank you for any assistance.


Thank you for the information. I would like to know more about weighted exercise. For every article I read, I can find one that contradicts it. Hard to know what to do.

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Hi @missmay, you may want to check out Dr, Loren Fishman's 12 Poses vs. Osteoporosis. He is a doctor of rehabilitation medicine with Columbia University and a student of yoga himself. The yoga poses he selected have been proven to increase bone density and there are versions for osteoporosis, osteopenia, and the regular poses. Margaret Martin, Melioguide, is also a very good resource for exercises. Bob and Brad, Physical Therapists, have a podcast with Sara Meeks called "osteoporosis - there is something you can do" that is quite detailed. She explains what weight bearing exercise is. All these resources are available on YouTube and available by googling.


@mercd can you please share the weight bearing exercises link you mentioned? Thank you

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I apologize for long delay in responding. My settings were incorrect, so I did not receive notice of your request. The best information I could find is in the attached file. It is the BEST program. The exercise machines recommended are out of date, so you will need to work with a PT to develop a program using contemporary machines, or weights, or therabands. The BEST book is copyright, but it is available on Amazon. If you buy the complete book, you'll receive information about the rest of the exercises and other useful information. (The attached file is a small part of the book)


I apologize for long delay in responding. My settings were incorrect, so I did not receive notice of your request. The best information I could find is in the attached file. It is the BEST program. The exercise machines recommended are out of date, so you will need to work with a PT to develop a program using contemporary machines, or weights, or therabands. The BEST book is copyright, but it is available on Amazon. If you buy the complete book, you'll receive information about the rest of the exercises and other useful information. (The attached file is a small part of the book)

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Ooops ... forgot to attach the file. Here it is.

Shared files

BEST exerise program shorter (BEST-exerise-program-shorter.pdf)


Thank you so much and if you could share your links that would be great.

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Sorry for delay in response. See my separate response posted today in this chain of discussion. (in response to similar questions from dee5)


I wasn't able to access the article, @sheilad1, but the title is discouraging. Dr. Loren Fishman "12 Poses vs Osteoporosis" has a study in which participants who did the 12 yoga poses over 2 years increased their bone density. The bone density of the participants who did no yoga decreased. You can google for the YouTube video and also visit http://www.sciataca.org
Bob and Brad, physical therapists on the internet have a podcast with Sara Meeks, a physical therapist specializing in osteoporosis, in which they discuss exercises for osteoporosis, "Osteoporosis - There is Something You Can Do."
I hope this helps.

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