My twelve year old has had a psychotic break. I am terrified!

Posted by lain59 @lain59, Jun 12, 2012

It has been four days. His doctor has not called me back. He had a total psychotic break, my son, Tristan. My adolescent sons, Nicholas and Tristan and I are all Bipolar. We have dire finacial problems.
My son is not getting better! He just threw up because he saw fish eyes staring at him in the mirror. Help please! How long will this last? His school had been horrid, really nasty to him, and my husband had been too, as well to me. CPS is investigating because of this and the fact my husband (after Tristan threw up last month) told him he should not take his medicine. He over ruled me until he went on a trip. No before that. I got Tristan to a doctor, who put him on Zantac, and all was well. Then, the day before his birthday, five days after he had been steadily taking his medicine, I had bought his favorite doughnut and put the numbers twelve in candles on it. He broke. He was seeing horrible faces, hearing terrible, guttural moans, etc. He clung to me as he begged to go to the hospital for the first time with his eyes closed.
Can he get better? I am terrified!!!

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He will get better..please have faith

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ur not. u have us n we know how it feels.


He will get better..please have faith

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He is better but has some horrid delusions.


He will get better..please have faith

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I found a primo therapist!!!

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