Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Posted by mpeters @mpeters, Feb 19, 2018

I have had four uti’s in the last eight months. Of those eight, I had three in three months. I’m wondering if I should see a specialist. I like my primary care provider but he is very busy. Also, if you know of anything I can be doing until my next appointment with my primary care provider, which is three months away.

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...thanks for spending time with so much info. I did a fast check on web md dot com and they state pros and cons of Florestor and I always seem to have the cons with meds.... yes I take best precautions I can in washroom etc. but wake up at 4am and feces (sorry) , even a little bit has leaked out it doesn't take much with the female anatomy to affect bladder was bad enough with ibs-d but fecal incontinence is a lot worse to cope with for me... I feel I am doomed. Even if not diarrhea and have taken Imodium the next day get what I refer to as bunny poops.... I just feel my whole bowel is shot and rectal muscles no longer work and also get very painful in that area, couldn't even get to sleep last night so sore... but don't want to go to surgeon in case suggest removing bowel. Yes I try and always ask for urine culture ... last time did but not a clean catch as they call it... so I try to have shower at home, make my own sample in bottle I get from clinic, go straight to clinic and in washroom tip my specimen into their bottle... last time prescribed Macrobid but it is so hard on my system and I feel going round in circles ... where is that magic wand?

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I hear you, I have not been through all you have. I had to have about a foot of my Sigmoid removed in 2015 due to Diverticulitis. I have not had as good of control of my bowel since. In December of last year they removed my Gallbladder after I became septic with gangrene. I was given large doses IV of antibiotics for the bacteria. It really scared me as I have tried to avoid antibiotics since my colon surgery in 2015. Before removal I was on strong Antibiotics on and off for 5 months. Back to my GB surgery in December I developed post cholesectomy syndrome and have had constant watery D. This has caused some incontinence in me. Florestor was recommended by my surgeon. I was also on it in 2015 when I was on all those strong ATBX's. My UTI Iam now having could possibly be from that constant diarrhea. Iam such a clean freak about my toileting and showering that it really bummed me out when this UTI started. I was also diagnosed with CKD 3a a few years ago which has been stable. Then I developed a pretty bad case of Macular Degeneration. The "Golden Years" Iam a very active person and this has been hard on me as I do suffer from periods of depression and anxiety. My heart feels for you. We will get through this...we have to!🤗


I hear you, I have not been through all you have. I had to have about a foot of my Sigmoid removed in 2015 due to Diverticulitis. I have not had as good of control of my bowel since. In December of last year they removed my Gallbladder after I became septic with gangrene. I was given large doses IV of antibiotics for the bacteria. It really scared me as I have tried to avoid antibiotics since my colon surgery in 2015. Before removal I was on strong Antibiotics on and off for 5 months. Back to my GB surgery in December I developed post cholesectomy syndrome and have had constant watery D. This has caused some incontinence in me. Florestor was recommended by my surgeon. I was also on it in 2015 when I was on all those strong ATBX's. My UTI Iam now having could possibly be from that constant diarrhea. Iam such a clean freak about my toileting and showering that it really bummed me out when this UTI started. I was also diagnosed with CKD 3a a few years ago which has been stable. Then I developed a pretty bad case of Macular Degeneration. The "Golden Years" Iam a very active person and this has been hard on me as I do suffer from periods of depression and anxiety. My heart feels for you. We will get through this...we have to!🤗

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...I used to be a busy bee too, and after retired enjoyed cooking, eating, gardening, not a social butterfly but chatted with a few neighbours drove did the shopping kept in touch with others via internet etc., and all that has gone down the drain with ill health but I am elderly now and also not much energy, motivation, and I would rather the resources be used for younger people needing help... I really have that little old lady feeling now - apologies to other little old ladies - and its something I was not prepared for! Old eyes, ears, bowel, and bones.... when I see 99 yr old tap dancers on tv I almost feel guilty. 🌹


..this is one of those day i feel i can no longer go on. yesterday a bit better i even made home made soup but of course a small bowl had me pooping and today is bad and husband fed up with me and my whole world upside down.


oh did a search and found my own comments, happens all the time, half way through Keflex 4th day and the diarrhea from it started today, after 10 usual soft bms then the diarrhea and boy does it sting, i put vaseline on those makeup pads and put there but five minutes later back on the toiled, even had a half shower and of course now a load of laundry in and its been a long day for this 79 year old; was up 3 hours last night with the burning face that doesnt seen to rate high importance, mentioned it in june and 2 months later nurse made appt for dermatologist in januray.. along with other things gets me down... i KNOW lots of people worse off, incliuding my hsuband who was in icu couple of weeks ago re previous heart surgery 2 yrs ago... so much stress but i ususally take anti diarrhea meds but not allowed with antibiotic... cant these non life threatening problems cause so much pain and suffering as daily my list grows.... low pain tolerance.. but at last have washer/dryer lots of old clothses .. gotta look onthe good side but soooo hard to do and every once in a while just have to vent .. lying here the bowel issue is so strong it gives me spasms in vagina and bladder - neighbours must wonder what is going on in here! honestly, its days like this, well 3 yrs of it this round, look at tht bottle of sleeping pills and wonder if this will be the night. J.


oh did a search and found my own comments, happens all the time, half way through Keflex 4th day and the diarrhea from it started today, after 10 usual soft bms then the diarrhea and boy does it sting, i put vaseline on those makeup pads and put there but five minutes later back on the toiled, even had a half shower and of course now a load of laundry in and its been a long day for this 79 year old; was up 3 hours last night with the burning face that doesnt seen to rate high importance, mentioned it in june and 2 months later nurse made appt for dermatologist in januray.. along with other things gets me down... i KNOW lots of people worse off, incliuding my hsuband who was in icu couple of weeks ago re previous heart surgery 2 yrs ago... so much stress but i ususally take anti diarrhea meds but not allowed with antibiotic... cant these non life threatening problems cause so much pain and suffering as daily my list grows.... low pain tolerance.. but at last have washer/dryer lots of old clothses .. gotta look onthe good side but soooo hard to do and every once in a while just have to vent .. lying here the bowel issue is so strong it gives me spasms in vagina and bladder - neighbours must wonder what is going on in here! honestly, its days like this, well 3 yrs of it this round, look at tht bottle of sleeping pills and wonder if this will be the night. J.

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Valerie, it sounds like your gut bacteria may be off and antibiotics can certainly do that. I wonder also if you have a little irritable bowel. I’m about your age and I have to watch out for dairy protein and sugar alcohols and sometimes lectins can cause cramps and diarrhea. Check out lectins and see if that could be aggravating you tummy. Do hang in there. We older gals have to be strong and we need to be our own advocates. Praying for you.


...I used to be a busy bee too, and after retired enjoyed cooking, eating, gardening, not a social butterfly but chatted with a few neighbours drove did the shopping kept in touch with others via internet etc., and all that has gone down the drain with ill health but I am elderly now and also not much energy, motivation, and I would rather the resources be used for younger people needing help... I really have that little old lady feeling now - apologies to other little old ladies - and its something I was not prepared for! Old eyes, ears, bowel, and bones.... when I see 99 yr old tap dancers on tv I almost feel guilty. 🌹

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A comment to all. Do not give up! I had a recurent UTI since 2019. Also have stage 3b - 4 ish CKD with only one functioning kidney. My urologist finally refered me to an infectious disease specialist. She put me on strong antibiotic ( Cipro ) which I have tried many times in these past few years. She told me they were not perscribing them for a long enough period of time. This time it was for 2 weeks and FINALLY IT WORKED !!! So please don't give up. I have felt awful for so long from this ordeal. I know what you mean about starting to feel old and unhealthy. Talk to your Dr and maybe get a referal to an infectious disease Dr. More importantly keep fighting !!


Yes I’d see a urologist if I were you


I’ve had UTIs about every month for the past year.. I tried to drink lots of water and cranberry juice, but it doesn’t seem to help My urine is so strong I can’t stand the smell, but when I’m on antibiotics, it goes away but soon as I’m done antibiotics seems to come back fast what more can I do to help this?


How much liquid were you drinking?


I have been in your shoes. My urologist performed a cystoscopy and diagnosed me with interstitial cystitis. He put me on methenamine (Rx) and D-Mannose (OTC). I stayed on that for 3.5 years until my kidney eGFR dropped. At that point, we cut back to only half a methenamine once per day (a.m.) and one D-Mannose (p.m.). I have not had a UTI since I began those meds. I would suggest you see a urologist and then go from there. Best to you!

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