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Low T-Cell - Bone Marrow Biopsy

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Nov 15, 2022 | Replies (162)

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Hi @loribmt, you are so kind - thank you for the nice words, really. It always help me. I have had a mix of emotions these days - Feeling of missing out of my life, that my career will not be more that I have right now, that I can’t go out and dance, do sports, plan a trip ahead, or eventually find a partner. Even if I have very supportive friends and family I feel very much alone. The infectiologist has not contacted me yet - Actually the group of rare disease, it’s the same which was already analyzing my genome, so no need. I did find another one a few hours away, basically a group of researcher who focus on reanalyzing it. They reply saying they will be in touch by that only in 30% of the case they can find an answer. Im continuing with my cardiologist and psychiatrist appointment.I’ve also ask the archive of my blood test in Canada, so it should come to me in the next 3 weeks and maybe it gives me clarity in when that happen. One thing we know is it was between 2008 and 2016 as my T-cell were OK in 2008 and bad in 2016. It doesn’t look like I had EBV, at least the doctor deny that as the PCR is always negative but antigen positive. In any case this would not affect that bad the bone marrow - Maybe its two things? In the meantime I’m going to slow yoga and sounds bath and trying to go a bit to the office so I’m distracted. Your exercises helped too. I’ve been experiencing more severe symptoms since I started the AIP diet and probiotics, strange but I will keep going until December 1st. I have to say this and no alcohol doesn’t help the social life 😂 but that’s for a good reason! I’ll keep going.

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Replies to "Hi @loribmt, you are so kind - thank you for the nice words, really. It always..."

Hi Maria, I wish I could be a fairy god mother and wave my magic wand to have all of your symptoms, your worries and all the uncertainty just disappear. When you’re young and have your whole life in front of you, all of this just seems insurmountable and so unfair.

I am concerned that since you started this anti-inflammatory diet and the probiotics, you said you’re experiencing more severe symptoms. Was this diet something your doctor suggested for you or is this a decision you started on your own? Abrupt changes in our diets can be disruptive too. I know this is a healthy diet plan so I’m not as concerned about that making your symptoms worse but I am wondering about the probiotics in excess.

In my unprofessional, but motherly opinion, stop the extra probiotics for a week and see if that makes a difference. We can actually take too many probiotics which can throw off the delicate balance in our guts. Some of the side effects of too much probiotic usage are:
Stomach cramps
Loss of appetite
Sleep disruption
Lower energy levels
***Disrupted immune function***

Are you still on the antibiotics? If so, I get the wanting to take the probiotics but yogurt will fill the bill for that upset. What symptoms are worse for you? Your heart palpitations? your throat? fatigue?

I’m not a doctor and don’t want to contradict what your physician has said, but if you have antigens for EBV you had the virus at some time in your past and it’s a known protagonist for creating autoimmune diseases. That’s where our conversation started in March of 2021. That you had low T-cells and had tested positive for EBV with a throat swab and the doctors felt it was a reactivation of the virus…which can happen.
I know you like to research so I found some information regarding the CD8+ T-cell deficiency.

CD8+ T cell Deficiency from the National Institute of Health.


EBV info…

Information on CD8+ T-cell deficiency

The slow yoga and the Sound bath meditation sound like wonderful self-help ideas to help bring some inner peace! I know it’s really a challenge to keep propelling forward, Maria. But you have a positive attitude and you’re very strong. You’ll get through this by learning to adapt to the changes in your life. Doesn’t mean you’re giving up, it means you’re resilient and possess an invincible spirit. Ha, I get the no alcohol…grape juice just doesn’t cut it sometimes, does it. LOL. That’s as close to wine as I get too. 🙂