← Return to possible Myeloma ? big shocking surprise !!

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@redgiles Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

First, congratulations on your 24 year thriver of breast cancer! By your words, you take your health seriously, and that is something to be proud of!

It certainly can be scary to get news like you have, about possible multiple myeloma. But before you get to that stage, there are a couple lower levels. MGUS [monoclonal gammopathy of unspecified significance] is the first level. There are several tests that can be done to see what is going on and give you a picture where you stand. This is a level where many people stay for many years, never progressing beyond that. Personally, I wouldn't automatically think the worst of jumping right to multiple myeloma. The next stage is what is called SMM [smoldering multiple myeloma] before active myeloma.

I know it can be anxiety producing. Here is an article from Mayo Clinic about multiple myeloma, but it does also talk about the lower level of MGUS and SMM, which is where you may want to focus. As a cancer thriver, you understand the need for watching your health, and I would not be truthful if I say "not to worry" because that is what we do! Take a deep breath and go one step at a time. Follow the guidelines of your medical team, ask questions of them, and of me! There are tests to eliminate what is not going on.

Now, pull up a chair, grab a cuppa tea or coffee. Help yourself to a snack, and let's talk. What questions may I answer for you?

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Replies to "@redgiles Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. First, congratulations on your 24 year thriver of breast cancer!..."

I'm also a 3b-stage cancer survivor of 10 years. With the diagnosis of MGUS. I've had a bone marrow biopsy and not have developed MM. just in a holding pattern for watching in case of development. It's been about 7-9 months since the diagnosis and am doing as well as can be expected.
What foods would be best to eat to prevent MM? Thanks 😊