Bartonella / Lyme

Posted by mikeg0822 @mikeg0822, Sep 26, 2022

I am experiencing severe neuropathy in both feet. I’m currently on my 6th month of herbal treatment for a positive Bartonella test, which is a form of Lyme disease, along with B12 deficiency. Does anyone have a similar story?

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Yes, I had Lyme, bartonella, babesia, and another with "h" I believe back in 2000. Finally diagnosed after so many years. Was a Park Ranger in college. But was terribly sick and started treatment but got neuro Lyme and pain started in feet. They were purple 💜
Sent to pain doctor and diagnosed with a severe neuropathy.
Years have passed but have chronic Lyme now and small fiber neuropathy.
Hope this helps. You are not alone.


Hi what are you doing now to help your fiber neuropathy? I developed SFN they are saying it is Bartonella and lyme I am being treated for it now. Have no idea how long I had it. Going to an Ingregrated Doctor who says I have it and other Doctors are saying no . I have no other choice as I am in great pain.


Yes I do. Started with raynauds progressed now SFN in feet and face hands. Going to a Intragrated docotr I was low in B also on supplements they are treating me with antibiotics. So much pain and can not sleep. Conflict with Doctors Intragrated Doctor says I have it and other Doctors quesionable.But what are my options Can not take that Gabapentin thought I was going to have to go to emergency Took one pill Do not know what to take can not sleep ringing in my ears.


I also thought that my SFN was due to Bartonella but it apparently wasn't. I mean treatment for infection never helped for my's only getting worse. My feet are gonna explode because of pain, muscle twitching is insane and tinnitus also. I don't know how to this anymore...


I’ve had chronic Lyme for 25 years & painful neuropathy, in my feet, for about 20 years. Any input/help is appreciated.


Yes, I had Lyme, bartonella, babesia, and another with "h" I believe back in 2000. Finally diagnosed after so many years. Was a Park Ranger in college. But was terribly sick and started treatment but got neuro Lyme and pain started in feet. They were purple 💜
Sent to pain doctor and diagnosed with a severe neuropathy.
Years have passed but have chronic Lyme now and small fiber neuropathy.
Hope this helps. You are not alone.

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My understanding is now this falls under CIRS/SIRS syndrome... Do you know anything about new treatments?

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