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Chronic pain and allergic to standard drugs

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Jan 30, 2013 | Replies (36)

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I don't know any thing really about chronic pain so I don't know how much help I can be. Have you tried alternative treatments like acupuncture or massage therapy? I don't know how much it helps but I don't think it can hurt. I also think I have heard of people taking anti depressant medications to manage pain.

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Replies to "I don't know any thing really about chronic pain so I don't know how much help..."

Greetings: I have been dealing with chronic pain since 2006. It took me 2 years of fighting ith insurance and for the opportunity to be seen at the Mayo Clinic. By the time I was able to be seen, things had gone from bad to worse, and worse to horrific. Mayo took me on and performed dozens of tests covering three areas of concentration. I was also up to 300mg of Morpnine and 100Mcg of Fentanyl. That wasn't living and I still had horrific pain. After a couple of months one wonderful doctor up there put the story together for me. I attended the Pain Rehabilation Center(PRC) and tapered off all of the opioids. Wasn't a lot of fun but I have my brain back now. I still have the pain and it worsens because I have a degenerative spinal cord/ nerve root syndrome. I will begin a regimate of testings, evaluations and consults. Without the Mayo Clinic, I would have passed on but now facing new challenges. I am in good hands!!! I am a good shoulder to lean on as friendships help those in continual pain. God Bless.

Go elsewhere! No one should be living like this...
Some times You have to be your BIGGEST advocate
Stay strong and remain focused.

Listen to Roxie's words you need to go somewhere else and get the help with the pain that you need Hugs Piglit

Hi Hoping ...actually, be grateful that your dr wasn't all that quick to give your steroids... Predizone can be very addictive...plus give you a high and then yo ucrash and want more. I am so very sorry, Hoping, that you hurt... please know I wish you well.

Just show up at 6:30 AM and get signed in and they will work you in. We did this with our neighbor and they did see him.

I live with constant pain also, I have been told I have fibermyology (sp?) which means they don't know what is wrong with me. So far I have lived without going on medicine, I just know that when I am busy I don't think about the pain.

I have dealing with chronic pain since 1994. It now has taken over my life. The doctors here in Tn just think everything is in my head. I have been diagnosed with fibro,Rls, Degenerative Disc Disease with bone spurs pushing against nerves ( I had back surgery but to me it has made it worse) Arthritis, Ostoearthritis. Any help would be appreciated.

Me to

I just finished up a series of appointment at mayo. They told me that I have had way too many steroid injections. I have had about 9 in the past year. I really did not get much relief from any of them. Mayo dr told me that that was way too many injections. They recommend only 2-3 MAX per year. The steroids can damage the adrenals which produce essential hormones. Injections are palliative not curative. Stay away from steroids if possible. They do nasty things in excess.

Hi Blueshouse: sorry to hear about your pain. That saying is so reassuring isnt it BUT coming from someone who is in constant pain, it should mean a little more. Too bad pain doesn't have color so doctors could see it and believe us.

I am a BIG believer in Mayo and their doctors. Their wonderful doctors were able to figure out what had happened to me. Our wonderful doctors here locally had given up and we just keeping me comfortable bu using pain killers. It was no simple journey even when I was admitted to the Mayo health system. There was test after test after test. Then, one outstanding doctor put all of the pieces together for me. So, with diligence, persistence and insurance, you can get into their health system.

I am once again back into their health system due to intractable pain. At this stage people sometimes ask " why me???". All I can say is be strong and do the very best with everyday that we are given. It's hard I know, but hang in there and continue to search for solutions. They are out there, some with Hope and others with only Answers. Knowing is better than no knowing! Faith, Hope and Love to you and remember that the greatest of these is Love.:-)

Just me