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Hi @turtlegalsandy, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You'll notice that I moved your message to this active discussion group called "Colitis – Microscopic/Lymphocytic/Ulcerative." The advantage to grouping these discussions is to help you meet members that have the same or similar conditions and can offer insight to what you can expect from this diagnosis. Can you tell us a little bit about your journey? When did you start displaying symptoms?

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Replies to "Hi @turtlegalsandy, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You'll notice that I moved your message to this..."

I have had intermittent bouts of diarrhea for most of my adult life and most could be contributed to specific foods. In the last nine months it has become much worse. It started with pain under my ribs on the left side and bloating. In late January 2020, My gastroenterologist related my problem to diet and bacteria in my bowels. He had me start taking a probiotic and recommended the lowFODMAP Diet. Mid February I saw my primary doctor for flu- like systems. Test for flu was negative . After my flu symptoms began to reside, I began having nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and the pain in my left abdomen increased. I messaged my gastroenterologist and he prescribed antibiotics. The antibiotics caused severe diarrhea and bad abdominal cramping. After 5-6 days he said to stop taking the antibiotics and ordered Cdiff test. The stool result was negative.
My primary ordered more stool tests in May. All were negative or within the normal range except for Calprotectin which was 171. Lab recommended the test be repeated in 4-6 weeks. This was not done. The gastroenterologist recommended having a flexible sigmoidoscopy with biopsies. I had this done on July 9 and the examined portion appeared normal. I now await the results of the biopsy.
