Hi Cindi,
I worked out ahead of surgery for about 9 months, but even three months would be fine. I did step ups, sometimes with weights in hand, squats against a wall with a huge ball on my back, I also did work with exercise bands - tied off on a post and looped around my calf and then I bent and straightened the leg to work the quads.
Post-op the most important exercises the first four weeks are for range of motion (ROM). Sit against a wall with your leg extended and put a towel or yoga band around the ball of your foot and pull your knee toward you, as far as the stretch/pain will allow. Wear socks to ease the slide. Sit on a chair, also wearing socks, and pull your surgical knee towards the chair with your good leg as a lever. Again, go until there is resistance, Each day will get better,
As far as recovery, I used a walker week 1, a cane week 2, and unassisted around 2 or 3 weeks. Gotta keep doing the exercises though. After four weeks I added strength exercises like the ones above for my quads. Swelling was almost gone at 8 weeks.
Now these were almost perfect recoveries, given the good shape I was in. Don't get discouraged if your times are longer. It can take 6 months to a year. Just be diligent and work with a trainer pre-op and a good PT immediately post-op. Oh, and I'm 67 y/o.
All the best,
I wish my doctor had advised me to strengthen my leg muscles before surgery. Instead, in preparation for surgery, I was given a "Joint Academy" booklet that included some very basic exercises to do--the same exercises used by At-Home PT (the first three weeks after surgery). Before TKR surgery, I did those basic exercises and walked 20 minutes a day. But after reading your post, I'm thinking it would have helped speed my recovery if my legs had been stronger before the operation. I guess the challenge with exercising prior to surgery is any pain you may be experiencing with the bad knee. Regardless, I'm 11 weeks out from TKR and my progress is slow but sure. I'm off pain meds and in outpatient therapy, ROM is good and I'm focusing on quads, hoping to master stairs soon. However, if I need TKR on my other knee, I will remember your advice. Thanks!