New and undiagnosed

Posted by yvonne55 @yvonne55, Sep 7, 2022

Just spent 10 days in hospital. Never had a lung problem but did have GERD briefly. Suddenly couldn't breathe. No air! Blacked out. In hospital received 100% oxygen. Slowly weaned and sent home. Got a "maybe" diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease. Im on no oxygen. Drs said I didnt need it. At rest 02 is 93%. Getting up out of bed and 02 dips 88, 85 %. Drs seem unconcerned. I'm scared! Am I chained to my bed for life? Are my 02 sats ok to go that low as long as they come up?

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I have challenge for you. How about if tonight you put the pulse oximeter in the medicine cabinet when you brush your teeth. Tomorrow just use it before you brush and put it away. Try to keep going all day by being active at least 20 minutes at a time - longer if you feel okay.

You also said you have no one to put a chair outside for you. Can you ask a neighbor or manager or maintenance person for help?
I know you can do this, even if it is hard!

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Hi Sue! Challenge accepted! Will keep in touch with you tomorrow! 🤗


Hi Sue! Challenge accepted! Will keep in touch with you tomorrow! 🤗

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Its morning Sue! I did get up early to see hubby off to dialysis. Had a quick wash as I wanted to get a pot of chili in the crock pot. Did that, cleaned up the mess and ONLY then did I stop to check my sats. Breathing normal, heart rate good compared to yesterday's 122. Sats after activity-90. Rose slowly to 92 then up to 96. Putting oximeter away now and shower time. 😄🙏


Its morning Sue! I did get up early to see hubby off to dialysis. Had a quick wash as I wanted to get a pot of chili in the crock pot. Did that, cleaned up the mess and ONLY then did I stop to check my sats. Breathing normal, heart rate good compared to yesterday's 122. Sats after activity-90. Rose slowly to 92 then up to 96. Putting oximeter away now and shower time. 😄🙏

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Hello! Kept busy today puttering, and walking. After laying down in hospital and home for almost 3 weeks, my back got pretty sore. No issues with breathing and dont know what my sats were. I felt good except for my back. Dr. tomorrow. Maybe I'm gonna be ok?


Hello! Kept busy today puttering, and walking. After laying down in hospital and home for almost 3 weeks, my back got pretty sore. No issues with breathing and dont know what my sats were. I felt good except for my back. Dr. tomorrow. Maybe I'm gonna be ok?

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Congratulations on getting moving again! I believe you are well on your way to being better! You will probably be sore tomorrow, but it will be what my PT calls "good sore" from challenging yourself.
How do yo plan to reward yourself for moving forward?
Will you let me know what the doc says?


Hi Sue! Yes will definitely let you know what doc says. Funny thing tonight. Hubby went to bed early. TV off. I was reading so house was silent. Then I began hearing these tiny crackling sounds as I inhaled. Nothing on exhale. I know in hospital they heard crackles but they went away according to whoever was listening to my chest. Now I can hear them faintly but they are there. Does this mean I'm going backwards?


Hi Sue! Yes will definitely let you know what doc says. Funny thing tonight. Hubby went to bed early. TV off. I was reading so house was silent. Then I began hearing these tiny crackling sounds as I inhaled. Nothing on exhale. I know in hospital they heard crackles but they went away according to whoever was listening to my chest. Now I can hear them faintly but they are there. Does this mean I'm going backwards?

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Hi again Sue. Back from doctors. He said there are no crackles, no rattles or rales, no wheezing. He said I looked good and even after walking from the parking lot into the building, down a hallway to his office waiting room then down a long hall to his office he said I wasnt blue or even fighting for air. He said we will know more after my next ct in Dec. He asked questions but they arent fitting in with a lung disease that he can see. Before this incident, I was crazy busy. I had a flashback last night. I recall talking to a co worker and thinking my god it's taking 2 breaths to finish a sentence! But i put it on the back burner because I had to keep on with work, the commute, trying to get sleep and taking care of house and disabled husband! I hope I've not done irreparable damage!


Hi again Sue. Back from doctors. He said there are no crackles, no rattles or rales, no wheezing. He said I looked good and even after walking from the parking lot into the building, down a hallway to his office waiting room then down a long hall to his office he said I wasnt blue or even fighting for air. He said we will know more after my next ct in Dec. He asked questions but they arent fitting in with a lung disease that he can see. Before this incident, I was crazy busy. I had a flashback last night. I recall talking to a co worker and thinking my god it's taking 2 breaths to finish a sentence! But i put it on the back burner because I had to keep on with work, the commute, trying to get sleep and taking care of house and disabled husband! I hope I've not done irreparable damage!

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That is just wonderful news. I'm guessing your schedule just wore you down until "Bang!" you landed in the hospital. Our bodies are amazing, I've no doubt you will keep feeling better and healing.
So are you feeling a little more confident now? Now that you see you can walk without falling down, are you ready for a short walk outdoors? Our weather here is perfect for walking these days.


That is just wonderful news. I'm guessing your schedule just wore you down until "Bang!" you landed in the hospital. Our bodies are amazing, I've no doubt you will keep feeling better and healing.
So are you feeling a little more confident now? Now that you see you can walk without falling down, are you ready for a short walk outdoors? Our weather here is perfect for walking these days.

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I actually went for a short walk outside and it was so nice inhaling fresh air after all the wildfires here! Where in the wide world do you live?
Yes I feel much more confident. One question I did forget to ask my Dr...I wonder if it would hurt me to light my pumpkin candles or if hair spray is now a no no.


I actually went for a short walk outside and it was so nice inhaling fresh air after all the wildfires here! Where in the wide world do you live?
Yes I feel much more confident. One question I did forget to ask my Dr...I wonder if it would hurt me to light my pumpkin candles or if hair spray is now a no no.

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Yay! I'm in Southern MN - we had smoke yesterday from the fires out west, but gone today with wind from the NW. Where are you? Didn't it feel wonderful to be outside? With his walker, can your husband walk a bit with you?

I have a bunch of lung issues, so candles are always a no-no for me, but once in a while, I put a little spice and/or a lemon or orange half in water and simmer it on the stove for a bit - just set a timer so I don't forget and burn the pot dry!

How I use sprays - bathroom door open, exhaust fan on high, spray quickly, leave the room and shut the door. I thought it was silly, until I realized that our HEPA air filter turns itself on "high" and the poor air quality light comes on - every time I use an aerosol, even down the hall in the bathroom.

Let me know hoe your weekend goes - I bet you will realize in a few days that you are seldom thinking about the $%^&* pulse oximeter.
Hugs! Sue


Hugs to you too! You have helped me so much! I'm in BC Canada. This weekend suddenly got turned into a long weekend because of the Queens funeral so many people are angry and struggling to find day care.
I'm looking forward to spending some time with my daughter in law. My son and 5 year old grandson came over tonight and had such a good visit I didn't think of myself once! Will be in touch! Hugs!!!

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