What are you reading?

Posted by alive @alive, Jan 9, 2022

What books do you want to read this year? I’ve just gotten on a waitlist at my local library to borrow Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. There are 7 copies available and I’m 42nd on the list, so I should be able to get this book by the end of the year. 😂

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If you are ever in the hospital, a good book or two are good friends! Especially if the hospital TV channels aren't your favorites! I love classic books such as Charles Dickens or Anthony Trollope. The last time I was in the hospital these books kept me relaxed and sometimes unaware of the fact that I didn't feel that great!

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Ah. That's the beauty of books! They can be a good friend and keep you happy and distracted from any unpleasantness. I am not a fan of waiting in waiting rooms, for trains to arrive or just holding on the phone for that ever elusive representative. You know the one.
I have my trusty little kindle to get me through. I've read more books while waiting. I feel it was time well spent. I also read for pleasure instead of watch the tv. Much better for my well being. Classics are always satisfy.


I like the classics books also! The Count of Monte Cristo is one I plan on reading in the future. The brief explanation that I read sounded very interesting. Plus it's written in one of my favorite time periods, 1844.

My favorite classic is Samuel Pepys Diary written from 1659 - 1669. I re-read that often.
Samuel lived in London with his wife and was the Queen's Clerk of the Royal Navy. They didn't have umbrella's yet in those days and Samuel hated it when it rained which it often did in London. He also had a pet lion named Growly. It was common for people to bring back cute wild baby animals such as lions and tigers from India in those days for pets. Growly got so big and probably loud, that Samuel had to put him in the zoo. But Samuel went and visited Growly often.

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I just put a hold at my local library for Samuel Pepys Diary 🙂


I just put a hold at my local library for Samuel Pepys Diary 🙂

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Great! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Ah. That's the beauty of books! They can be a good friend and keep you happy and distracted from any unpleasantness. I am not a fan of waiting in waiting rooms, for trains to arrive or just holding on the phone for that ever elusive representative. You know the one.
I have my trusty little kindle to get me through. I've read more books while waiting. I feel it was time well spent. I also read for pleasure instead of watch the tv. Much better for my well being. Classics are always satisfy.

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I read more than watching TV also. I hate commercials and all the bad language and loud music that you hear nowdays on TV! My Nook Book is my best item! I can get really old books; often as far back as 1700 or earlier for a low price and sometimes for free! My favorite type of book is about a time with no electricity, no cars just horses and horse drawn carriages, no bad language and babies are a gift from God and just appear. (You don't need a graphic description of how they got there!)


I read more than watching TV also. I hate commercials and all the bad language and loud music that you hear nowdays on TV! My Nook Book is my best item! I can get really old books; often as far back as 1700 or earlier for a low price and sometimes for free! My favorite type of book is about a time with no electricity, no cars just horses and horse drawn carriages, no bad language and babies are a gift from God and just appear. (You don't need a graphic description of how they got there!)

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I like reading the Amish novels written by a non- Amish woman named Beverly Lewis. She is excellent writer and keeps the reader intrigued. There is no gross goings on in these novels so that is appreciated also.


I read more than watching TV also. I hate commercials and all the bad language and loud music that you hear nowdays on TV! My Nook Book is my best item! I can get really old books; often as far back as 1700 or earlier for a low price and sometimes for free! My favorite type of book is about a time with no electricity, no cars just horses and horse drawn carriages, no bad language and babies are a gift from God and just appear. (You don't need a graphic description of how they got there!)

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Yes, a simpler time!


I feel that in books as well as media, if there is not much of a story, then they have to fill the pages/screen with something. All that sensalatism, adds nothing of value.


I meant to type sensationalism. Apologies


Sounds like an interesting book. I’m currently reading Stress Free Living by Mayo Clinic doctor Amit Sood. I have read a lot of self help books and this is very, very good. I just ordered the first three books in the Joanne Kilburn series by Gail Bowen, a Canadian author from Saskatchewan. I’m going on a camping trip in two weeks and taking the latest William Kent Krueger book.


Sounds like an interesting book. I’m currently reading Stress Free Living by Mayo Clinic doctor Amit Sood. I have read a lot of self help books and this is very, very good. I just ordered the first three books in the Joanne Kilburn series by Gail Bowen, a Canadian author from Saskatchewan. I’m going on a camping trip in two weeks and taking the latest William Kent Krueger book.

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William Kent Kruger book Fox Creek is a good choice on a camping trip. Good Choice!
I found it filled with Sage advice. It's in no way a self help book, but I really got a lot out of it.

Enjoy the book. And the trip!

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