What are you reading?

Posted by alive @alive, Jan 9, 2022

What books do you want to read this year? I’ve just gotten on a waitlist at my local library to borrow Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. There are 7 copies available and I’m 42nd on the list, so I should be able to get this book by the end of the year. 😂

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Ah, books and cats. They just seem to go together, don't they? Whether I am using my ereader, or a printed book, there are times I read aloud. To my cat. One hand petting her, the other hand holding the book. She snuggles up on my lap and we have "quality cat and lap time". After a while we are both sound asleep....

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@gingerw, Hi Ginger,
Since you love to read and love cats you've probably read Lilian Jackson Braun's, The Cat Who...books. In this series there are two Siamese cats, one is lovable and the other is psychic. The psychic Siamese helps solves murders, and other mysteries. If you like mystery books and cats, this is a great series.


Well, it's science fiction for me!
I really like to read that: fancy worlds with adventures that are not yet possible here. They feel like escapes, good books from writers such as Peter Hamilton.
I read to distract myself and relax. As a teacher I explain a lot and learn a lot, and I need reading to unwind. That being said I found it difficult to read the last few years, I used to read when I felt I deserved it and felt good, and the last few years were hard. I don't allow myself a book at the moment because these worlds are so beautiful that I won't want to mess them up with the bad things that are going on.


Anything by Michael Connelly especially the Bosch novels.


Anything by Michael Connelly especially the Bosch novels.

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I second the vote for anything by Michael Connelly in the Bosch series. Also anything by Dennis Lehane, Robert Crais and a few others. Or any old Black Lizard crime noir set in Manhattan or Los Angeles.


Interesting to see the type of books people read. I like biographies, auto or otherwise. I'm now reading Stan Freberg's book "It Only Hurts When I Laugh". Good humor and what a life striving to get to his goal. I like James Herriotts books and I'm ready to read the 4th one plus his biography by his son. Good humor and satire are my favorites and once in awhile fiction that gets me so involved with the people I hate to have it end...happily of course. I'm really busy doing other things so finding a good book to relax with is not too frequent.


I’m re-reading my favourite classical, The Count of Monte Cristo.


Besides science fiction I also like science. I am not educated in the field of maths and so on but I like to read and imagine.
When I am very stressed I read a Donald Duck pocket.


I just finished William Kent Krueger's latest book titled Fox Creek. Fast read, but I never wanted it to end.

I am hooked on Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club series.

Happy Reading everyone!


I’m re-reading my favourite classical, The Count of Monte Cristo.

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I like the classics books also! The Count of Monte Cristo is one I plan on reading in the future. The brief explanation that I read sounded very interesting. Plus it's written in one of my favorite time periods, 1844.

My favorite classic is Samuel Pepys Diary written from 1659 - 1669. I re-read that often.
Samuel lived in London with his wife and was the Queen's Clerk of the Royal Navy. They didn't have umbrella's yet in those days and Samuel hated it when it rained which it often did in London. He also had a pet lion named Growly. It was common for people to bring back cute wild baby animals such as lions and tigers from India in those days for pets. Growly got so big and probably loud, that Samuel had to put him in the zoo. But Samuel went and visited Growly often.


If you are ever in the hospital, a good book or two are good friends! Especially if the hospital TV channels aren't your favorites! I love classic books such as Charles Dickens or Anthony Trollope. The last time I was in the hospital these books kept me relaxed and sometimes unaware of the fact that I didn't feel that great!

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