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What helps with post liver transplant fatigue?

Transplants | Last Active: Oct 4, 2022 | Replies (73)

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I am 9 months post liver transplant and I am still experiencing a tremendous amount of fatigue. I am exercising, I get about 7-8 hours sleep now and I work full time. I am eating pretty healthy. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Replies to "Hi! I am 9 months post liver transplant and I am still experiencing a tremendous amount..."

Wow you maybe over doing it u have done really well to be back at work full time already. Your body has been thru a lot, the medications a lone do a number on you. It took me about a year to start feeling better.
Have u called your coordinator to let her know this.

It is not uncommon for transplant patients to have easy tiredness and fatigue. Agree with the comment on having your transplant team review immunosuppressants and other medications as some are known to have this side effect. Also have your health care team check vitamin and micronutrient levels, as deficiencies can be present and levels including but not limited to TSH. Rule out sleep disorders including sleep apnea. If you had developed post transplant hyperglycemia and are on oral medication or insulin, blood glucose changes during the day may also be involved. Earlier comment on time from transplant surgery is quite correct. It takes time to get energy back. Some patients return to baseline but some have some residual loss of endurance and fatigue. Diet, weight loss and any loss of muscle mass needs assessment as well. Best of luck to you. Stay strong.

Thank you for your response. I haven’t checked in with my Transplant Coordinator, but I will. My transplant team is aware of my activities and has given the go ahead on everything. I was just wondering if others experienced fatigue post Transplant post 6 months and longer. I have heard it can be a life long thing, but that didn’t come from my doctor.

I continue to have a feeling that people I interact with including my healthcare team do not understand how tired and fatigued I feel often and how my endurance has dropped following pre transplant cancer related surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments and post transplant medications. Most people except family see me for short durations when I have rested and often taken a well timed nap before planned activity when I appear to be functional as any normal person, hence difficult for most to understand the limitations. Hard for those who haven’t been through similar circumstances to relate to us.

In cancer patients with surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation and post transplant patients on immunosuppressant medications, there may be an imbalance in mechanisms involving Glutamate accumulation which is a metabolite that causes a feeling of tiredness after mental work after about 6 hours even in healthy normal individuals and requires frequent breaks or restful sleep for recovery. This imbalance may be implicated in the fatigue, loss of endurance and other cognitive dysfunction including short term memory loss and difficulty concentration etc. also known as “chemo-brain”. There is ongoing research on this. It is for this reason, well timed naps may be very useful for maintaining some semblance of normalcy.

Hi, I hope someone can help. I am 6 months post transplant. I was very active and exercised a lot pre-transplant. Post transplant I am struggling with lack of energy. I can’t do what I did pre transplant. Has anyone else struggled with this?

Hello, I am 6 months post and cannot do the exercise I was able to do before transplant. It’s very frustrating. My numbers are good and I exercise everyday, but I feel like I should be able to do more. I think I’ll make an appointment with my primary care doc to check all of my non transplant numbers. I don’t know.

I also was very active b/f my LT. My TP team would always remind me that I have had a MAJOR surgery and my body is going to take time to heal. So your body is telling u that it’s not ready to be where u were pre TP. I am almost 2yrs LT and I am now back to exercising my pre LT and more. Some days my body will tell me u need to slow down take a day off. So in short try and be patient, listen to your body and I bet in no time u will be back to where u were and more.
Hang in there!!!

Hi sparked,
I would say a little over a year I was feeling must stronger and could do my work out and not feel totally exhausted like I did early on. I am almost 2yrs. out and feel really good, I am very fortunate that I was in very good health b/f LTP with no underlying medical conditions except my liver. The only meds I take is immunosuppressants “yuk” but we have to to stay alive. If I do take anything I try to research the natural b/f the medical meds. I hate putting things into my body. This of course my choice😊 so u r still early in your TP not sure what u have to take but when they start decreasing your immuno meds it helps.
Stay strong and positive, u got this!!😊🦋

Wow u will definitely encourage us. So happy for u. I have CKD now from my LTP but it is stable right now. It is from the meds , is what they tell me.
How much immunosuppressant do u have to take now, how often do u have to have labs.