What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?

Posted by johncottingham @johncottingham, Aug 26, 2022

At 83 my muscle tone is decreasing. Walking is helpful, but does not address all my muscles. Is there a good plan written from Mayo or others describing exercises my wife and I can use to restore muscle tone without doing damage?

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Thank you so much for sharing!
This is fun!

In France there is both Michelle and Michèle but the latter is according to the orthographic rules 😊 So; good for you! It's a pain typing I think but I learned the shortcuts for accents, a French keyboard to me is pure torture. I prefer using the shortcuts since I don't have to use the accents all the time.

My family is very mixed as well, I have French, Dutch, Spanish, Norwegian, and Arabic blood in my veins. I consider myself European and not attached to any particular country or state. I also embrace and celebrate differences. How wonderful to all be so different. There once was a song where they sang 'Free your mind, the rest will follow, be colourblind, don't be so shallow'. I would blare along but could not bear singing it all, I would replace it with 'don't be colourblind' 😹 I wanna see all colours!
Escoffier! Wow, yes, that's a nice extra to have up your sleeve 💖

I would really like to have my DNA tested.
You mention 23AndMe, this would be the best, you think? I heard about others as well and am still thinking about it, also because of the costs I would need to do this right in one go!

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I mentioned 23 and Me only because that's the one that came to mind. I think my husband bought us a couple of those kits; however, at the time I had just learned that the info may be shared and used against us by insurance companies. True of all DNA testing, I believe. Have no idea what my husband has done with those unused kits.

Bear in mind, after concerns were expressed by customers, they may have changed their policies re: privacy. After all, here in the USA we have this thing called HIPPA.

Well, you're quite a mix! I am self-described as tri racial. Others would consider me Eurasian. However, in Asia many cultures do not consider Filipinos true Asians. To their mind, true Asians include Chinese, Japanese, Koreans. Redskins include all of the native Americans. So, according to "true" yellow Asians, I have some brownskin in me, too, from those islands.

If you determine the best DNA sample kit, by all means, please share!

Many of us who suffer with certain diseases (in my case cutaneous mastocytosis which has escalated to MCAS-GI) have specialists who submit DNA samples, blood samples, bone marrow biopsies to look for specific genes to confirm the diagnosis or determine the best treatment protocols.

Oops! Just noticed this thread is about EXERCISE! Going to start another comment that is "on topic."


Wrote an exercise comment a few seconds ago and don't see it. So, at the risk of being tedious, repetitive, I'll post again. Why? Why will I go to this effort? AGAIN!?!?!?! Because I would be remiss if I didn't share a great resource.

If you have cable or satellite or can access Christian Television Network via another method, seek a husband-wife show entitled "Christian Fitness." They demonstrate all sorts of exercise regimens for every level of fitness. Even f you have limitations, they will share something to get your started!

Christian Television Network also airs three of my fave health shows:

1. Dr. Ward Bond
2. Know the Cause with Doug Kauffman
3. Your Health with Dr. Richard Becker

Chockful of info! Dr. Becker, in particular, will educate you based on double blind, placebo-controlled studies from around the world. Yes, all three shows have sponsors/advertisers but always worth watching since I gain so much! Hope you do, too!



Age 82 legs losing strength and stamina despite exercise. Why?


Age 82 legs losing strength and stamina despite exercise. Why?

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Hi Millerdust, welcome. I think you might appreciate the discussions in the Aging Well group and encourge you to follow the group here:
- Aging Well https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/aging-well/

Your question about losing strength and stamina is being talked about in this discussion to which I moved your post:
- What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/muscle-tone-decreasing-markedly

Can you explain a bit more? What type of exercise do you do? Do you have any health conditions that might explain the loss of strength and stamina?


Hi Millerdust, welcome. I think you might appreciate the discussions in the Aging Well group and encourge you to follow the group here:
- Aging Well https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/aging-well/

Your question about losing strength and stamina is being talked about in this discussion to which I moved your post:
- What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/muscle-tone-decreasing-markedly

Can you explain a bit more? What type of exercise do you do? Do you have any health conditions that might explain the loss of strength and stamina?

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I row and swim and used to hike a lot, but my legs feel tired at the start of a walk, and I don't feel like going far. My stamina is way down from what it used to be. Now 82 generally good health. Don't see physician until mid-October. Last time visit blood pressure higher than used to be.


I row and swim and used to hike a lot, but my legs feel tired at the start of a walk, and I don't feel like going far. My stamina is way down from what it used to be. Now 82 generally good health. Don't see physician until mid-October. Last time visit blood pressure higher than used to be.

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My husband had heavy/tired legs from BP meds, and got them changed. I couldn't walk more than a block on statins - got rid of those and use diet/exercise to keep LDL on track.
Do you take any blood pressure or cholesterol meds?


My husband had heavy/tired legs from BP meds, and got them changed. I couldn't walk more than a block on statins - got rid of those and use diet/exercise to keep LDL on track.
Do you take any blood pressure or cholesterol meds?

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Thank you very much for your sharing of your experience. I suspect that a recent report of raised blood pressure may be the source of the problem. Can't see my doctor until October 13.




I always buy organic skinless chicken breasts and organic chop meat to use in a variety of vegetables. We have a brand of chicken sausage here that I like so I will roast them along with potatoes and any vegetable I happen to have on hand. I eat fish and am partial to Baramundi and Salmon….neither of them farm raised.

Beans and nuts are a good source of high protein. I use almonds and walnuts in salads and any baked goods or dishes such as chicken piccata. Always snacking on pistachios and peanuts.

I don’t eat too many beans but I do make lentil or pea soup on occasion. One of my favorite snacks is to take a can of chickpeas, rinse and then coat with olive oil, sal and pepper and roast until golden brown. They taste like nuts .Another snack is edamame.

There are high protein vegetables you may already be eating like Brussels sprouts. You can goggle a list and select your favorites. I am partial to kale and spinach and sweet potatoes and squash and often use spaghetti squash as pasta.

One thing I do is use chia seeds a lot… very high in protein (not cheap) and I sprinkle in salads or whatever and have made chia pudding as a desert. I also use ground flax seed.

Low fat dairy products like yogurt…I eat plain Greek yogurt topped with fruit and a sprinkle of nuts or granola for breakfast or avocado toast. I eat eggs and keep hard boiled on hand to throw in salads or make egg salad.

I try to eat gluten free as much as I can and buy and keep in the freezer any gluten free hamburger rolls, English muffins and bagels. Gluten free products are not cheap but I try to avoid as much wheat as possible. The pasta that I do eat is Dreamfield which has more protein.

I make a fair amount of soups because you can put just about any good protein in them.
I have a lot of seasonings and oils and vinegars in my pantry along with a boatload of chicken and beef bone broth. If a recipe calls for water I will substitute one of the bone broths instead because it tastes better depending on the recipe. The sipping bone broth is a good drink in the afternoon .

If you are already a cook you won’t need a special high protein cookbook. Goggle the high proteins for seniors and pick your favorites. If you feel you need more you can always supplement with a daily protein shake but watch the grams of sugar listed. And remember to translate grams into teaspoon to get the real idea of how much sugar there really is in the product.

I avoid canned foods except for San Mariano tomatoes and chickpeas, try to get as much organic as I can in vegetables (not necessary for hard skinned vegetables like avocados) and organic chicken, meat and fresh water fish.

I like to cook and eat lol so this is long. I have a healthy appetite and weigh 108 on my 5ft 6 inch frame. If I want a pizza or a good steak I go for it.

There is a recipe discussion on this forum somewhere that was fairly active for a while.

FL Mary

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One huge nugget I am taking away from you is to look at protein in various veggies. Sadly, I ahve been overlooking them. Thanks!


BTW noticing again that you need to get to 1700 calories, there are MANY carbs (healthiest is high fiber, unrefined) to fill you in.

Some vegetables are pretty high in calories (and some contain notable protein) - suggest: baked potatoes (with the skin), corn, eggplant, avocados (yes, high in unsaturated fat but very healthy). Again Dr. Google will be helpful there.

I can't for the life of me understand why broth was suggested for your overall dietary needs, as broth (especially low fat) contains scarcely any calories. Bone broth does contain protein, but - heck, it's suggested for weight loss.

If you are allowed carbs, fruit can be quite high calorie - personally, I love mangos, which are high calorie and high fiber.

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I am learning to eat more carbs…corn is so/so for fat and avocados are out. Good idea to learn about fruits and veggies, high calorie/fiber. When I started cutting fat I automatically cut protein that went along with it. The protein broth is 100 calories and 20 grams of protein without sugar or fat. Protein supplements have too much fat in general so I avoid the rest. My body has a problem absorbing fat, at least at the present time. I pretty much stick to boneless chicken breasts, white fish and beans as staples. Egg whites are a good snack. I blend up chickpeas with seasoning but they bother me unless I make sure to have enough other non-fat other foods with them. I have been sticking to only individual foods that, for the most part do not exceed 7-8% fat individually. This way everything stocked in our kitchen is “safe”. Chicken, for example has more so I just have to be aware of quantity and the nutrition of what I am eating at the same time.


Hi Millerdust, welcome. I think you might appreciate the discussions in the Aging Well group and encourge you to follow the group here:
- Aging Well https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/aging-well/

Your question about losing strength and stamina is being talked about in this discussion to which I moved your post:
- What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/muscle-tone-decreasing-markedly

Can you explain a bit more? What type of exercise do you do? Do you have any health conditions that might explain the loss of strength and stamina?

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I have no other health issues. Exercise: rowing, walking (slowly). Balance is off.


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