Can Neuropathy be cured?

Posted by catstx @catstx, Sep 8, 2021

I’ve had P. neuropathy for 30 years. Just recently I’ve better controlled my blood sugar. So, I’m wondering if Neuropathy ever goes away, Or, if once the nerves are dead they’re just dead

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I had an EMG last week. Despite my MRI stating mild spinal stenosis, Doctor said my nerves in my lumbar area were not causing my neuropathy and I know this is BS. I know the progression how I got neuropathy in my feet, dealt with a very recent herniated disc, and, I know my lumbar area is causing this pinched nerve, stenosis, whatever you want to call it. EMG was wrong …

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Gotcha, thanks. I've really got 1 question. Has anyone got neuropathy that happened like overnight. I was fine, and all of a sudden my feet went numb. 3 weeks later I lost my balance. Can neuropathy happen that fast ?????


Gotcha, thanks. I've really got 1 question. Has anyone got neuropathy that happened like overnight. I was fine, and all of a sudden my feet went numb. 3 weeks later I lost my balance. Can neuropathy happen that fast ?????

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Did you try a chiropractor?


Gotcha, thanks. I've really got 1 question. Has anyone got neuropathy that happened like overnight. I was fine, and all of a sudden my feet went numb. 3 weeks later I lost my balance. Can neuropathy happen that fast ?????

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My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?


My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?

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No sir. On skin biopsy. Thank you for you kind response. I don't feel too bad, just feet funny burning until I try to walk. Extreme weakness. Im going to Duke neurology the 29th for second opinion. Thanks again


My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?

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I also did not have a skin punch biopsy as part of my idiopathic small fiber PN. Had the nerve conduction tests and a physical exam. The neurologist even asked if he could take pictures of my feet/toes because he was giving a seminar on neuropathy and said my hammer toes were a classic example of folks who have neuropathy.


I also did not have a skin punch biopsy as part of my idiopathic small fiber PN. Had the nerve conduction tests and a physical exam. The neurologist even asked if he could take pictures of my feet/toes because he was giving a seminar on neuropathy and said my hammer toes were a classic example of folks who have neuropathy.

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I'm still struggling with the Amazon foot tools I've bought to try to improve or correct the hammering, or at least stop it. Have you gotten to a point where they don't get worse?


I'm still struggling with the Amazon foot tools I've bought to try to improve or correct the hammering, or at least stop it. Have you gotten to a point where they don't get worse?

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Debbie, I look at those puppies every morning and wonder why I didn't have them fixed a long time ago. Now I just live with them. My right big toe and a few toes on both feet have that pronounced downward pointing toe that makes it difficult for an old man to trim his toenails. 😂


No sir. On skin biopsy. Thank you for you kind response. I don't feel too bad, just feet funny burning until I try to walk. Extreme weakness. Im going to Duke neurology the 29th for second opinion. Thanks again

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Oh Debbie Im sorry I thought you were a man. I sincerely hope you get some relief.


Oh Debbie Im sorry I thought you were a man. I sincerely hope you get some relief.

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No problem at all


My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?

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Not meaning to pry but what is your age. ?? Im 58 . I had a A1c of 12 and didn't know I had diabetes. Type 2, well under control now but doctors say my problem is Diabetic neuropathy. I'm praying that if I keep sugar # down ,things will improve.

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