What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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I love sunflowers seeds but tend to just buy the commercially grown and leave mine in the garden for critters. The birds and squirrels are so fun to watch!

When we bought our first house in the mid 70s, the former owners had an enormous garden, over a 1/4 acre. We were way overzealous in planting that first year!! 😄 Learned our lesson on that experiment. Our garden was reduced over the years as our enthusiasm and free time waned.

That first year, I grew sunflowers for the purpose of harvesting. They were so beautiful and the heads were huge! I was so excited to grow my own. That was a short-lived venture! It was a constant fight between keeping them safe from birds and squirrels, and then once they were dry they were incredibly difficult to harvest the seeds. It wasn’t worth the effort! But I still enjoy having ‘em in the garden but they’re exclusively entertainment for me, and food for the critters.
Try a health food store for your unsalted seeds if you can’t find them in the grocery store. Also, I know Amazon gets a bad rap, but they are available to order through them. You can also talk to the produce person at your grocery store. Often they order or stock foods for people with special requests. I’ve gotten our grocer to carry unsalted pistachios!

Aww, the story of McDuff and the seeds is so sweet! I can just picture this as the dog sat patiently waiting for each little seed like it was an offering from the gods. I’m such a softy for doggos… Our last Golden was a hoot! He loved green beans! He would actually go to the garden and harvest beans for himself! We had pole beans with a small fence to keep out the rabbits. He’d patrol that area to keep the bunnies out and then help himself to some beans! They had to be just the right size before he’d select them too. Weird dog. 😅. Here’s a picture of him snacking (2010). That garden and our sweet dog are long gone.

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@loribmt The last dog I had enjoyed the boysenberries from the garden. I'd go out to gather some for a cobbler, only to find she had eaten them! And she loved carrots and jicama. She was spoiled, and always wanted to try what was on my plate. Until the morning I told her I knew she wouldn't like what was there, but she insisted. She learned she didn't like grapefruit.

Outside the neighborhood quail [looking like softballs with legs!] are chucking along, looking for bugs.


Rain is good. I love looking at the beautiful flower photos.

I am vacationing in Lake Placid! The view outside my window is lovely Mirror lake, some majestic mountains that just takes my breath away, and all the beautiful wildlife. So soothing!


I love sunflowers seeds but tend to just buy the commercially grown and leave mine in the garden for critters. The birds and squirrels are so fun to watch!

When we bought our first house in the mid 70s, the former owners had an enormous garden, over a 1/4 acre. We were way overzealous in planting that first year!! 😄 Learned our lesson on that experiment. Our garden was reduced over the years as our enthusiasm and free time waned.

That first year, I grew sunflowers for the purpose of harvesting. They were so beautiful and the heads were huge! I was so excited to grow my own. That was a short-lived venture! It was a constant fight between keeping them safe from birds and squirrels, and then once they were dry they were incredibly difficult to harvest the seeds. It wasn’t worth the effort! But I still enjoy having ‘em in the garden but they’re exclusively entertainment for me, and food for the critters.
Try a health food store for your unsalted seeds if you can’t find them in the grocery store. Also, I know Amazon gets a bad rap, but they are available to order through them. You can also talk to the produce person at your grocery store. Often they order or stock foods for people with special requests. I’ve gotten our grocer to carry unsalted pistachios!

Aww, the story of McDuff and the seeds is so sweet! I can just picture this as the dog sat patiently waiting for each little seed like it was an offering from the gods. I’m such a softy for doggos… Our last Golden was a hoot! He loved green beans! He would actually go to the garden and harvest beans for himself! We had pole beans with a small fence to keep out the rabbits. He’d patrol that area to keep the bunnies out and then help himself to some beans! They had to be just the right size before he’d select them too. Weird dog. 😅. Here’s a picture of him snacking (2010). That garden and our sweet dog are long gone.

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How cute! 🙂


It's been a little while since I've had a really good day at my computer room window viewing at the bird feeder. Today was indeed a good day - Pilleated Woodpecker, a momma turkey with one of her chicks on ground cleanup duty and a couple of other visitors.

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What color are the squirrels in your area? I grew up seeing brown squirrels in the Midwest and New England. Then got used to Florida's grey squirrels. And once saw a beautiful black squirrel in South Haven, Michigan.


Rain is good. I love looking at the beautiful flower photos.

I am vacationing in Lake Placid! The view outside my window is lovely Mirror lake, some majestic mountains that just takes my breath away, and all the beautiful wildlife. So soothing!

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Upstate New York is beautiful!
I’m originally from Long Island, NY. I lived just a few miles from the southern shore. The powder sand and the almost seaweed free Atlantic Ocean there is wonderful!
Now I’m in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. It’s beauty is far different from NY. The desert holds a mystery of its own!


Upstate New York is beautiful!
I’m originally from Long Island, NY. I lived just a few miles from the southern shore. The powder sand and the almost seaweed free Atlantic Ocean there is wonderful!
Now I’m in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. It’s beauty is far different from NY. The desert holds a mystery of its own!

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Every place is unique and has its own offerings. I know Long Island well. Islanders fan!! Never been to Arizona, but bet there are some wonderful things to discover. It is on my list of places to visit.


Fluffy where are you? Come out and play. I promise I won't chase you...


Fluffy where are you? Come out and play. I promise I won't chase you...

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Looks like Fluffy couldn’t care less about a romp in the yard! 😸
John, is that your dog or neighbors?? Beautiful coloring and fur!


Looks like Fluffy couldn’t care less about a romp in the yard! 😸
John, is that your dog or neighbors?? Beautiful coloring and fur!

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Hi Lori, It's my neighbors dog Kodiak. Really a nice dog but Fluffy is not his playmate. When my daughter brings over her two girl doggies he's in doggie heaven. The neighbor doesn't normally let him play outside of their fenced in yard unless he's working. Once in awhile he will greet me when I'm filling the bird feeders.


The view from my window… perpetual, screaming sunshine, and solid blue skies! The 35’ desert pines and 30’ palm trees are standing proudly today because they survived another monsoon season.
It was 108 at 1:30pm so I don’t spend time outside in the summer. I’m ready for the cooler days of October when it goes down to a chilly 90. 🤨
Life in the Sonoran Desert 🌵 is always different…

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