Eye Conditions | Last Active: Feb 17 9:44am | Replies (99)
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Hello @bluekittymom, welcome! Sorry to learn you're still having pain 9 months after cataract surgery. Looking at your posts I see that you had eye surgeries prior to cataract. Given the fact that your doctor says everything looks good, have you considered seeking a second opinion?
About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Fuchs dystrophy and needed cataract surgeries and corneal transplants. I was 43 at the time and my glasses couldn't get much stronger than they were. Blur, fogginess and poor vision impaired life and at that age I had no time for that. Life was super busy with a full- time job in management, 1 kid entering college, 1 wrapping up middle school and both played sports. Lots of need for good, active eyes! Anyhow, I chose to cram all of my surgeries into 4 months. I wanted to be back in action with work and being "Super Mom". Long story short, I ended up being left with extreme photophobia and pains that after the 1-year healing mark never resolved. Second opinions all proved my surgeries were a success and there was no evidence why I had these issues.
Having been through the eye procedures you describe it seems you understand the strain and trauma eyes go through during the process of healing and vision coming around. I'm wondering if your lingering pain has turned chronic based on the central nervous system upregulating from trauma or stress, or both? Are you familiar with Central Sensitization Syndrome? I discovered that CSS caused my eyes symptoms. It may be food for thought for you...
Here's a video from Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten that explain CSS as a whole:
Obviously ruling out existing medical condition takes precedence for you before settling on something like CSS, but only you know if you've exhausted all possibilities and cause with your eye pain. I'm so glad you've found Connect to be very helpful. Thank you for contributing to the conversation and please let me know what you think of the video. I know it's a whole lot more than you bargained for but cool to learn never-the-less. Will you keep us updated on any new developments with your eyes?
Wow, this video is fantastic. Great to know that the medical world is acknowledging that there can be lingering pain after some event. I am going back to the cataract surgeon in 2 weeks and had another optometrist exam my eyes and said all was well. Will keep you posted.
Wow, this video is fantastic. Great to know that the medical world is acknowledging that there can be lingering pain after some event. I am going back to the cataract surgeon in 2 weeks and had another optometrist exam my eyes and said all was well. Will keep you posted.