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Hi Rosemary, I do see a gastroenterologist and a liver specialist. I also have an endocrinologist and have had a dexa scan. I do have osteoporosis. I just had surgery for hyperparathyroidism and had one parathyroid removed that had an adenoma. Because of this, I developed osteoporosis. I am now on a lot of calcium to help build bone back.
I had a liver biopsy that didn't show autoimmune hepatitis. They are suspecting I have it because my ALT and AST are elevated. According to my liver doc autoimmune hepatitis can be very spotty in the liver so when they do a liver biopsy they may not get it in the biopsy. I was just increased to 6 mg of Budesnoide twice a day instead of 3 mg of Budesnoide. I just seem tired all of the time. I understand that herpes simplex can cause elevated liver enzymes. Around 3 years ago when all of this started I had my first outbreak (married for 12 years). My dermatologist said sometimes this virus can be in your body and doesn't have to be from a sexual source. When I mentioned this to the liver and gastro doc they didn't seem to think herpex simplex could be the cause of elevated liver enzymes. I had an outbreak right before my last blood test and the AST and ALT were more elevated and is when she increased the Budesnoide to 6 mg per day. Can you give me any input on all of this. Thanks, I am so frustrated!!!

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Replies to "Hi Rosemary, I do see a gastroenterologist and a liver specialist. I also have an endocrinologist..."

@geedle12, I do not have any information to share with you. I am a patient and I rely on my own experience. I commend you for listening to your body and for bringing issues like the herpes simplex to the attention of your doctors.
How often are the labs drawn? My labs were routinely drawn every 3 months, with extra labs as needed. I felt like a pincushion sometimes! You said that you were diagnosed with AIH just 6 months ago, and I suspect that more labs, over time, will show a pattern that will show whether your body is reacting to the steroids for control of AIH.
It is okay to be frustrated because liver disease is a frustrating thing. It can be slow to develop, and difficult to diagnose and to treat. From my experience, the best thing that you can do is to: develop a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating and staying physically active, take the meds and calcium your doctor has prescribed, don't take any over-the counter meds or supplements without doctor's approval, no aspirin, and no alcohol. Trust me, it is easier than it sounds. And most important - keep a list of questions and symptoms to discuss with your doctors.

Keep me posted.