Anyone on Gemcitabine with Abraxane? How long? Effective?

Posted by helenar @helenar, Aug 17, 2022

Hi, I'm Helena from South Africa. I have been diagnosed with PC, stage 4, in March. Tumour between body and tail and with one lesion on my liver.
I have been on Folfirinox for 3months, but it had no effect, allthough my markers came down from 3091 to 357, the tumour increased in size and there is another lesion on my liver.
I have started Gemcitabine with Abraxane.
Has anyone been on Gemcitabine/Abraxane?
If so, how long and how effective is this treatment?

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My brother (diagnosed Stage IV in August of 2020) had been on Gem/Abraxane for nearly a full year - an every two week cycle. It was very effective at lowering his CA 19-9 ....but it took a tremendous toll on him. The side effects were brutal - so much more so than the Folfirinox that he took as a beginning treatment. While his numbers went down, so did his quality of life. He had more bad days than good within that two week cycle. He endured all of it only to have his numbers start to creep up. The standard of care (at least at the comprehensive cancer center where he receives his treatment) after Gem/Abrax is Napoli - Nanoliposomal irinotecan with flouoroucil and folonic acid. My brother has received three treatments of this so far and the side effects are fewer. The most troubling for him is fatigue, but it's only for a few days and on those days he chooses to simply read, watch tv and give in to naps if need be. We've talked to others who have endured Gem/Abrax much better than Folfirinox or other treatments so I think it just goes to show that everyone is so unique and different and what happens to one may or may not happen to another. I wish you the best and pray that you have the support than keeps you hopeful and enjoying each day!

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Hi, I see many patients saying that they get Gem/Abraxane on a 2 week cycle? I get chemo sessions every 7th day, for 3 sessions (day 1, day 8, day 15), then a week rest, and then 3 sessions, etc.


Hi, did your wife had the operation? And what stage was she?

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She had distal pancreatectomy which also took the spleen, gall bladder, left adrenal and 23 lymph nodes after 9 folfirinox and 5 days of SBRT photon radiation . She was 100% clear margins and ned for 10 months. It came back as a golf ball sized tumor on the left ovary.


I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 1 to 2 at the beginning of August. Since then I had 3 pancreatitis, the second one after the biopsy and the latter (still active) after the procedure to put a stent. Because of the pancreatitis still active, starting mi-September,they are giving me a month of chemotherapy (Gemcitabine + Abraxane). If after a CT Scan, it shows that my pancreatitis subsided so they operate on me and then will go back for a few cycles of chemotherapy.


Hi, I see many patients saying that they get Gem/Abraxane on a 2 week cycle? I get chemo sessions every 7th day, for 3 sessions (day 1, day 8, day 15), then a week rest, and then 3 sessions, etc.

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My husband has done the weekly treatments for 3 weeks and then 1 week off. His Ca19-9 dropped to 59 after his second cycle so we are heading back to Mayo in 2 weeks and are hopeful he will be able to have the Whipple surgery. He is still very tired and weak. No appetite. I am hoping he starts feeling better soon. He was staged a 2b or 3 last December. His scans in June looked good and we are hoping the scans this month will be even better. I have not heard of the Napoli treatment.


I am so sorry to hear! I doubt if I will ever be considered for the operation, since mine has metastasized to the liver. I am hoping that if they can cure the liver, they will consider distal pancreatectomy


I was diagnosed with Stage 4 PC in August. My first Abrxa/Gem infusion Friday Sept. 2. I experienced flu-like symptoms and fatigue. Slept all day and awakened next morning feeling better. Overdid it with neglected chores and experienced back pain on the 4th. Doing better today. I am encouraged!!


I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 1 to 2 at the beginning of August. Since then I had 3 pancreatitis, the second one after the biopsy and the latter (still active) after the procedure to put a stent. Because of the pancreatitis still active, starting mi-September,they are giving me a month of chemotherapy (Gemcitabine + Abraxane). If after a CT Scan, it shows that my pancreatitis subsided so they operate on me and then will go back for a few cycles of chemotherapy.

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Welcome, @bouboule. What a lovely photo. I hope you'll add it to your profile. 🙂

This must be all so dizzying for you juggling pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis. Will you have chemo weekly during the first month or every 2 weeks? Do you know what type of surgery you will be having?


I was diagnosed with Stage 4 PC in August. My first Abrxa/Gem infusion Friday Sept. 2. I experienced flu-like symptoms and fatigue. Slept all day and awakened next morning feeling better. Overdid it with neglected chores and experienced back pain on the 4th. Doing better today. I am encouraged!!

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All of the best!!! I am starting my 2nd round of Gem/Abraxane on Thursday the 8th (had 3 sessions already, then a week off) and still I did not experience any of the side affects (except for loosing my hair) that I have read about, and I thank God every day for it. I hope that you will not suffer any of the nasty side affects. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers!

Attached is a photo of me and my Mom ♥


Hi, All~
My husband who had the bleeding ulcer has now been in hospital for 9 days after spiking 104+ temps at home (the third ambulance in 3 weeks!). He was also shaking all over and became very puffy from fluid.
All cultures for infection were negative and Mayo-Rochester identified an unusual culprit - capillary leak syndrome - and have treated it with steroids. The temps and shaking have resolved, but the fluid-retention is still problematic and hard on the kidneys. Steroids spike his blood sugar, so diabetes management gets tricky. This syndrome is linked to Gemcitabine, but is unusual. He will probably not be able to continue on it, and since the Gem. was working well against the cancer, it's too bad, but we hope there is a good alternative.
Does anyone have experience with this capillary leak syndrome?


My brother was on Gem/Abrax for one year. He started suffering from edema a few months in. The oncologist treated it with lasix but it somehow became a race of which would dominate the situation and Gem/Abrax won. He now has capillary leak syndrome and it will not be going away. It is a horrible side effect and had we known how bad it could become we may have weighed the options more carefully. The G/A was working at lowering his CA 19-9 and that was where our focus was. He's now on the Napoli chemo combo (nanoliposomal irinotecan with flouroucil and folonic acid) and that is working least for now. We hope that it continues for a long time because the side effects are more tolerable. You might want to ask about that for your husband. I'm glad Mayo identified it for you and that from here you can make adjustments. Best to you and yours....

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