← Return to Weak After Phlebotomy to Treat Polycythemia: How to Improve Recovery?

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Hello Lori,

Thank you for your response. I am a law student, so have no opportunity for guilt-free napping and binge-watching movies. 🙁

Am wondering about a post-treatment saline infusion as a possible immediate solution. Anyone tried that? My phlebotomy sessions are done at the oncology transfusion center, so saline infusion is an option. I will ask the nurse for guidance when I arrive, follow her directions, see how I feel afterwards, and report back.

Oh, and no, my dietician hasn't said anything about a special diet. Is there one?

Again: If anyone here has tried a saline or other transfusion, please give me some feedback.


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Replies to "Hello Lori, Thank you for your response. I am a law student, so have no opportunity..."

Good question, Buck. Allow me to tag some fellow PV members to bring them into the discussion, like @pv17082022 @jerrlin @tlsantin @lindaw123 @chadknudson @hope19 @atir @clarissa37 @chadknudson @apr931 @mwear and @juiceinjc.

I look forward to hearing what you learn from your team. Please report back.

Hello @buckaroobanzai. Your post/question is very interesting to me. I'm new to this diagnosis and wondered if expanders would help? I'm afraid I'm quite ignorant about the whole process and am curious as well. I do hope you find some answers that are helpful. If you would, please post your feedback? Thank you.

I have a saline infusion before the phlebotomy and have found this to be very beneficial. I have had no problems with fatigue afterwards.