← Return to Scratchy voice due to seasonal allergy


Scratchy voice due to seasonal allergy

About Kids & Teens | Last Active: Jul 17, 2023 | Replies (11)

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, Valerie!
What you describe is happening to you sounds like an allergy to something you ingest, since the rash doesn’t always stay in one place.
I agree it’s a long time to wait until January to see a Dermatologist.
An Allergist probably would be a better choice- also trying to get an appointment as soon as possible.
Here is a link to Mayo Clinic’s description of food allergies.
Some of the reactions they describe are extreme.
However, there are some foods or chemical additives that only give you flushing and burning like you describe.
Have you tried taking any antihistamine allergy medications, such as Benadryl?

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Replies to "@lacy2 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, Valerie! What you describe is happening to you sounds like..."

Hello and thank you will read that web site now. The concern with antihistamine meds is that I have had chronic dry eye for about 20 years (and narrow angle glaucoma for 4) and I will double-check but think once read for dry eyes not to take antihistamines... I am thinking of getting one of those mail away tests for food sensitivities

gosh reading back and sorry to keep typing comments... is is now Julys 2023 and no help... dermatologist in January was nice but said not his field; neurologist, quick visit in April said not his field so now am on my own. still getting burning face on and off mostly during night now and sometimes arms and legs but am just going to live with it

thing is also have eustachian tube disbunction and pain along with tinnitus and hyperacusis and musical ear and of course ear pain and fullness and am just coping iwth it but tonight had mini breakdown with all of my non life threatening issues ... and the blocked ears and pain on top of a bad ibs-d day, all adds up doesnt it

so thankful can check numerous conversatins here my daughter said take antihistamine but dont have runny nose or eyes but narrow angle glaucoma, took half a pll but Internet site sayd do not take antihistamine with narrow angles.. cant win

just get fed up sometimes and nearing 80 so wish i would just not wake up, not being dramatic but my illnesses affecting my spouse who also has heart issues etc. and my complaining and such affecting him... its just gone on too long ...