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Hi Thanks for feeling okay to tell your story. This is where this site is so great that we can voice our opionins and not be judgemental at all. I feel that maybe it wasn't a good situation for you to return to wrok if you suffered such trauma there, although not good that the employers didn't allow you to come back. Unfortunatley, this stigma seems to be ongoing and unless we make a stand this as you know will continue. If you have been dependant on drugs to ease the pain and I can see that youv'e had more than you fair share, do you feel that to take another is a good move to make? I don't consider myself to think that
pot is okay only because when I was about 20 I started using and became reliant on it and saw to many people never get over the use. In my day was the 70's a fun era in many ways although the only drugs obtainalbe was pot , lsd, heroin. I stopped taking the weed as I was well aware of the dependency. However on saying that and if it is legal in the states and gives you relief who am I too judge. I would say though to think of your beautiful little boy, who you obviously adore. Rely on him to give you the ongoing strength that you need. I too have experienced anxiety from a really young age and depression later in life. We just have to believe in ouselves really. You are young take the opportunities that will come your way. I don't beleive that you will feel guilt or remorse because I think that you will make the right cchoice for you. Thanks for sharing once again its' great just to talk sometimes, beleive me it helps. Please stay in touch we are a caring bunch here and help each other as much as we can. Take care Piglit

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Replies to "Hi Thanks for feeling okay to tell your story. This is where this site is so..."

Thank you Piglit, well your right, my boy when he is with me I have the time of my life, he is with me 15 days a month, worked hard for that and thankful! And The work, yes your right I shouldn't be there so thats why I am thankful they don't want me, I was going to return to prove I could but ya it would have been huge mistake. but that my job was not available and I didn't quit I will be able to get unemployment at least so I got time to find work, but I just am tired of being coped up all day, so I want to at least start volunteering. And on the sharing, I LOVE THIS SITE, because I can get things out thats once I say it, it almost frees me of that stress, and its to people that possibly relate and that I don't have to worry about face to face embarrassing encounters. So for that I appreciate you guys soooo much, just in the couple days I have been posting, I have freed myself of a lot of pent up frustration!!

Hi again volunteering sounds such a good idea. I did some of that when I was looking for work. Don't worry something will come up and it will be just what youv'e been looking for. I.m glad that you have come on board with us and that's it's helped you. It is great will all support each other. Take care Piglit