Looking for new rheumatologist

Posted by naezzo @naezzo, Aug 22, 2022

In 4 weeks, I am moving from Cleveland, OH to Maricopa, AZ.
Can anyone please suggest a new rheumatologist who is taking new patients in the southern Phoenix area?

I would like to be able to get an appointment in October.

Thank you!

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@naezzo - Since you mentioned Arizona, I would definitely contact Mayo Clinic. I had a great one at Rochester Mayo Clinic and I'm sure they have some good ones at one of the locations in the Phoenix area. Here's the contact information if you want to contact them - http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.


I called the Vasculitis Foundation for a doctor in my area. They were very helpful.


@naezzo, I live in the Dallas area and Rheumies are some of the hardest doctors to get a new patient appointment with. When I first needed one my PCP referred me to a Rheumy in her practice of over 50 doctors and it took about 6 months to get a new patient appointment. Apparently there are not enough new doctors studying rheumatology. The other specialty I have had trouble finding good, available doctors is endocrinology. When mine retired it was impossible to find a new one even accepting new patients. Currently 4-6 months is the rule of thumb now for many specialist in the Dallas area for new patients. Once in scheduling follow-ups is not a big problem.


I called everyday for many weeks for a cancellation into the rheumatologist earlier. It worked after 3 weeks of calling. The day that I called morning and early afternoon was the day I finally got an earlier appointment 3 days away from that day. It is worth a try. There are cancellations.

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