← Return to Brachioradial pruritus. (severe itching on forearms and neck, no rash).

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Good evening @lorinapoli. Greetings from Connect where sharing is our primary mission. The best research you can do is to find out what others have tried or discovered. Knowledge is power. There is a group for "Skin Health" that you can find by typing those words in the search field at the top of the screen. Click on the magnifying glass and you will see my recent post on my big welcome to Dupixent. I am just starting the injections (twice a month) and so far so good. I have been suffering through flares for a couple of years. I feel like I have been given a wonderful gift and unless something unexpected happens, those blood stains on my sheets will be gone forever. Here is the link to my Connect response about Dupixent.


I also think you might want to keep a tube of Dermeleve in your purse. That is an OTC that stops the itch within minutes and lasts about 6 hours. Try http://www.dermeleve.com.

Please let me know if you have any questions after reviewing the information. Do you have any outbreaks in areas around your face? There is also an ointment just for the face. Let me know how I can help.

I realize your post was about acupuncture and I have to admit it never worked for me......when I tried it for shoulder pain after a fall down the mountain.

How long have you been "itching"?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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Replies to "Good evening @lorinapoli. Greetings from Connect where sharing is our primary mission. The best research you..."

I have had this problem for 2 years, I brought it up to my dermatologist and as soon as she looked at my arm she said you need to go have an x-ray you have pinched nerves and I didn’t think anything of it because I didn’t have any neck pain so I let it go for about a year it was on and off and then it got worse the last six months I had x-ray and MRI done I have pinched nerves from C5 to C7 and two disc bulges I went to a top neurosurgeon and the only recommendation he had was acupuncture 🤦‍♀️ I’m willing to give it a try, I also am looking into prolotherapy, I’ve heard some people have had their Branchioradial nerve itching relieved, ice packs are my only form of relief but it’s affecting my life with sleep disruption and my arm from Scratching an itch you can’t get to looks terrible! I will try what you mentioned, I appreciate your feedback, thank you

No outbreaks on my face , it is my arm, bicep area down to my elbow

I've carefully written down EVERY activity I'm doing before an attack of this horrific condition- this year I wised up I PUT SPF 70 ON ALL EXPOSED SKIN and this stopped the trigger !
Religiously and I don't agitate the affected areas with friction of any kind. In my case YES I HAVE SEVERE cervical disc injuries and decades of sun exposure. 54 white male blue collar I can't have THESE episodes again ONLY ice helps L ALSO had great luck with Alpha Lipoic acid OTC in vitamin area.
Love and peace to anyone reading this. Practice breathing meditate stay calm it will pass
Neutrogena SPF 70 non greasy is what I use