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Help with meal planning with Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Aug 22, 2022 | Replies (17)

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Welcome @ana1966. I think you'll find this related discussion helpful
- Confused About Diet for Stage 3 or 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/confused-about-stage-3-ckd-diet/

Members like @gingerw @kamama94 and many others have shared wise advice, great resources, recipes and more. I suggest reading through the discussion.

I kept your discussion separate rather than moving it over to the other discussion to focus specifically on meal planning. What do you find challenging about meal planning?

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Replies to "Welcome @ana1966. I think you'll find this related discussion helpful - Confused About Diet for Stage..."

Colleen - Thanks to the Mayo group for providing me additional access to other groups that address my urge incontinence, ibs-C, swallowing issues, osteoporosis, and isolation. I want to post timely on the bladder/kidney group about an apparently now defunct issue - urge incontinence. How do I find the most recent post on this specific issue?

Were there written directions about how the groups work emailed to me, but lost in my attention to my many medical issues with Kaiser?

Thank you.