PMR - Prednisone and random itching patches of skin

Posted by microbe1943 @microbe1943, Aug 1, 2021

Hi, I am still newish, 3 weeks. PMR diagnosed 2 weeks. I'm 76. On 10 mg prednisone. Mostly working. Tried the divided dose 5/5 and it did NOT work at all. Uncomfortable all day. 10 mg carries me till early evening and then not too bad. I have been getting my biceps, right in AM and left just now. very itchy and if I scratch barely there is some red inflammed looking skin. I put Eucerin on it and it calmed down the first arm this am. Trying that now. Also, wake up in night sometimes with itching in various places...bilateral...ankles or under arms. It this a THING? Back has itched for the amount of time I have had PMR but didn't know it. Mid March 2021. Thanks, Sharon

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I have had PMR since February of 2019. Started on 10 mgs Prednisone and swung back and forth between 4 mgs and backup to 8 mgs. I am now on 2 mgs. with the help of hydroxychloroquine - so far so good. However, I have had an itchy scalp and small amount of hair loss since on Prednisone and also random itching by my right shoulder blade. My skin has dried and thinned quite a bit, but then I am 78 so who knows if that is not normal for my age. I have been on Calcium D3 for a while now and will have a bone scan later this month. My nails are strong and when I go to the dentist he always says "good bones" as my teeth are strong. However, don't know if that means my bones are good or not. Will find out after the bone scan.

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@ncgal - It sounds like you are doing good tapering off of the prednisone. I'm also 78 and have thin skin which is easily bruised if I bump into anything. My nails weren't too good until I started taking collagen and I was hoping it may help the skin a little too. I think I may be due for a bone scan also since I was diagnosed with osteopenia several years ago and am supposed to be on 1200 mg calcium daily. I chose not to take it because it was causing some bad constipation so I've been working on my diet to get more calcium.

Can you provide an update after your bone scan?


I sure will, John. I was diagnosed with osteopinia about a year ago, thus the 1200 mgs. calcium daily. Will be anxious to see if that has worsened. I'll let you know.


@ncgal - It sounds like you are doing good tapering off of the prednisone. I'm also 78 and have thin skin which is easily bruised if I bump into anything. My nails weren't too good until I started taking collagen and I was hoping it may help the skin a little too. I think I may be due for a bone scan also since I was diagnosed with osteopenia several years ago and am supposed to be on 1200 mg calcium daily. I chose not to take it because it was causing some bad constipation so I've been working on my diet to get more calcium.

Can you provide an update after your bone scan?

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Oops! I got my mammography and bone density appointments mixed up. Bone scan is not until November and mammography later this month. However I will let you know how bone density scan goes.


I have had PRM 1 year. I've been tapering and it is SLOW. When I hit 3.5 mg (Medrol) I had itching commence...just like you describe though no rash unless I itch enough to cause petechiae! It woke me at night. It was random and all over. Literally horrid. My immunologist thought I might be from the drop in the steroids enough that a old, quiescent (I thought it was gone!) syndrome called idiopathic urticaria. I had it for months following several courses of Flagyl. I had to take H2 and H1 Blockers for a year together in double doses. I was only 58 or so. Holding the steering wheel (the pressure of gripping) made the most god-awful raging red skin. And it itched. So, somehow the immunologist thinks that reducing the steroid opened that door. No proof. I took H1 and H2 blockers double doses. This time one of them, Pepcid gave me true hallucinations...a side effect if you take alot of it...and in elder folks like me. I am 77. Jury still out on the cause but somehow it is related to dropping the steroids for me. When I got to 3 mg (started at 10 and was on that LONG) I took 4 mg (3 days in a row) then NONE on the 4th day to try and get the average dose to be correct in an 8 day period. Medrol only comes in 4 mg (and higher). It's easy to break pills in have but NOT in quarters. Tricky. Well, I had violent response that lasted 10 days. Anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, very shaky and nightmares that were difficult to extract myself from (this is not my MO...former University professor). I felt like I was losing my mind. I am telling all this IN CASE anyone else is experiencing something like this. I looked on the forum and saw a few things but only this post I am responding to on the itching. Sorry so long. Thanks for sharing all your doings with steroids and coming off them.

Today I had the Cosyntropin stimulation test to see if my adrenals are working at all before I go to 3 as my body does NOT like that level...and I have had some return of stiff and painful neck and shoulders and back muscles. Hips and the rest okay right now still.


Moderate scratching on my forearms causes red splotches. Is this from the PMR or the Prednisone?


Moderate scratching on my forearms causes red splotches. Is this from the PMR or the Prednisone?

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Welcome @joeblo746, I think long term use of prednisone can cause thin skin along with some itching. My PMR is in remission but I can remember some itching of my arms but I don't think I ever had the rash or red splotches like your symptoms. Hopefully others can comment and share what has helped them. Now days because I still have some itching skin and it's thin, I easily bruise and get small skin tears that bleed easily. What helps me is to use a daily moisturizer on the skin like Eucerin or similar lotions.

Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor to see if they may have some suggestions?


Moderate scratching on my forearms causes red splotches. Is this from the PMR or the Prednisone?

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I have that same problem. If I get an itchy spot and scratch it, I almost always end up with a red/purple splotch. They take weeks to fade away - so I try very hard not to succumb to the itch cycle. I blame it on the prednisone.


I had thin skin before especially on the back of my hands and it is definitely worse on prednisone. Constant moisturizing helps, and I wear fingerless gloves, rubber gloves or gardening gloves whenever I am doing any kind of chore. I try to remind myself not to try to do too many things at once. That helps keep me focused on where my hands are and keeps them out of harm's way.


I've had PMR for 1.5 years and used to occasionally experience really itchy hips and sometimes my elbows. My Prednisone dose has been only 1 to 1.5 mg for the past several months. What really seemed to make the difference was my aquatic fitness classes and maybe also my stationary biking. I'm doing these because my doc now says I have severe osteoarthritis, but I'm still in denial. 😉

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