Exercise to strengthen bones (for osteoporosis)

Posted by marcd @marcd, Feb 16, 2022

It's been a challenge to find accurate information about exercise to strengthen bones. For me it's been a long process of culling out the information that is based on real research. The following seem to help according to the research data I have been able to find.
Balance training -- some say this strengthens bones, others that it simply reduces falls. But, either way, the end result is to reduce fracture risk. A web search will provide many exercises. Tai Chi improves balance.
Swimming -- this is disputed because it's not weight bearing. But there is a body of research that shows benefit for bone density. For example, one meta-analysis report found that 3-6 hours of swimming/week increases bone density. More time decreases bone density because the body is non-weight bearing for too long. Less is not enough.
Weight bearing exercises -- many reports provide extensive research demonstrating the benefit of correct exercises done in the correct way. The problem is finding out which are those exercises and how to do them. It took me months to track this down, but I was able to find the information and I can share if requested.
Walking -- If done as a weight bearing exercise this can help. That means using a weighted vest, or doing the kind of walking that results in significant impact -- for example jogging, climbing stairs, climbing stairs two at a time, jumping, dancing. It seems that walking around at a normal pace does not increase bone density.
Do not help: My research shows that the following don't help with bone density: Yoga, tai chi, pilates. However , in my opinion un-backed by any research, these could help if they were adapted to provide bone strengthening.
If anyone is interested, please advise of specific questions and I will endeavor to provide links or upload documents.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Thank you @johnbishop! Will lookup the links provided. I was doing seated twist and couple of other twisting exercises and read somewhere that no bending or twisting exercises for osteoporosis.

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I've been told: no twisting *if your vertebrae are affected* by osteoporosis. Am I wrong?


I tend to see life as a Come As You Are Party. If I make over-ambitious resolutions, I might just as well pre-order a freeze full of ice cream and assume I'll be at the French Bakery for lemon tarts and something-mocha in the immediate future. [Not all self-knowledge gained with increasing years on the planet is fun to learn about oneself but its all valuable to learn.]

An athlete I read about said that his pastor once told him to just make one better decision every day. Just one. And let the results of those accumulated mini-decisions work their magic. I use that motto regarding exercise. Baby steps work better than big self-promises for me. And they lead to feeling better which becomes self-perpetuating motivation in itself. And then it's a new habit.

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Love your post!


What are the strength exercises? I lift weights already .


I find it interesting that we can’t get more information directly from those treating the bones of Astronaut Kelly!

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Hello to all my fellow travelers....I could use your expertise here. I have a LifePro "Waver" vibration plate and have enjoyed using it. BUT...I had an x-ray of my Thoracic region..knowing that I had had a previous accident involving my T-8 ...but now have 2 more compression frxs. T-9,10. I stopped using the machine.
I continued with the OTC bone building supplements and other forms of exercise and recently got another DEXA...which showed that my severe osteoporosis has improved greatly! 9.6% in my hips and 5.4% gain in my lumbar. SO...I ask you all...could this improvement be from the vibration plate usage?..or could it have caused the other two compression frxs.!
LifePro has reached out to me..as I sent them an email with my questions...they are now going to have a 'trainer' call me tomorrow to go over the ways I should be using their machine. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all the questions I can..and the main one is...regarding the either high frequency or is it low intensity that we want to have. I'm confused...could you please let me know what questions I should be asking? I wasn't using the machine at it's highest levels. I really liked the 'feeling' I got from using this machine..but need to have the proper input before I try it again.
Please let me know what your collective thoughts and suggestions are. Much appreciated! Be well.....


Thank you so much! I plan to start your program on Monday.

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Hi @toni7, Isn’t it Monday you are to begin the exercise program to protect your bone? You may modify the exercise routine I described depending on which part of your bone requiring attention. Use bone density DEXA or other standardized test every two years as guideline to check if the exercise is showing result. Long-term discipline is the key. The bone test result will motivate one to continue.


Hello to all my fellow travelers....I could use your expertise here. I have a LifePro "Waver" vibration plate and have enjoyed using it. BUT...I had an x-ray of my Thoracic region..knowing that I had had a previous accident involving my T-8 ...but now have 2 more compression frxs. T-9,10. I stopped using the machine.
I continued with the OTC bone building supplements and other forms of exercise and recently got another DEXA...which showed that my severe osteoporosis has improved greatly! 9.6% in my hips and 5.4% gain in my lumbar. SO...I ask you all...could this improvement be from the vibration plate usage?..or could it have caused the other two compression frxs.!
LifePro has reached out to me..as I sent them an email with my questions...they are now going to have a 'trainer' call me tomorrow to go over the ways I should be using their machine. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all the questions I can..and the main one is...regarding the either high frequency or is it low intensity that we want to have. I'm confused...could you please let me know what questions I should be asking? I wasn't using the machine at it's highest levels. I really liked the 'feeling' I got from using this machine..but need to have the proper input before I try it again.
Please let me know what your collective thoughts and suggestions are. Much appreciated! Be well.....

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Hi @bunky44, I stopped using my Eilison BOLT, whole body vibration exerciser, after I read this article about vibration therapy by Margaret Martin,


I suspect the BOLT and others like it use High Intensity Vibration as opposed to low intensity vibration. I asked Eilison what type of vibration the BOLT used and have not received an answer. The difference in cost between the two types of machines is astounding - about $150 compared to $4500. Maybe it's a a good idea to read the review above before talking to the LIfePro people.

If you're taking a supplement with Strontium it may explain the improvement in Dexa score, but what I've been reading is also that Dexa measures bone quantity, different from bone quality, measured by the TBS.

I found Dr. Fishman's Twelve Poses vs Osteoporosis, which has been proven to improve bone density. It's safe and not caused any fractures in study participants.

Margaret Martin also has a video on exercisoing with compression fractures. I hope that helps:


Wishing you the best!


Hello to all my fellow travelers....I could use your expertise here. I have a LifePro "Waver" vibration plate and have enjoyed using it. BUT...I had an x-ray of my Thoracic region..knowing that I had had a previous accident involving my T-8 ...but now have 2 more compression frxs. T-9,10. I stopped using the machine.
I continued with the OTC bone building supplements and other forms of exercise and recently got another DEXA...which showed that my severe osteoporosis has improved greatly! 9.6% in my hips and 5.4% gain in my lumbar. SO...I ask you all...could this improvement be from the vibration plate usage?..or could it have caused the other two compression frxs.!
LifePro has reached out to me..as I sent them an email with my questions...they are now going to have a 'trainer' call me tomorrow to go over the ways I should be using their machine. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all the questions I can..and the main one is...regarding the either high frequency or is it low intensity that we want to have. I'm confused...could you please let me know what questions I should be asking? I wasn't using the machine at it's highest levels. I really liked the 'feeling' I got from using this machine..but need to have the proper input before I try it again.
Please let me know what your collective thoughts and suggestions are. Much appreciated! Be well.....

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Is there actual research that shows the ProLife Waver builds bone? If so i am in. Lifting weights is difficult with arthritis in most of my joints. Please keep us up to date


Hi @bunky44, I stopped using my Eilison BOLT, whole body vibration exerciser, after I read this article about vibration therapy by Margaret Martin,


I suspect the BOLT and others like it use High Intensity Vibration as opposed to low intensity vibration. I asked Eilison what type of vibration the BOLT used and have not received an answer. The difference in cost between the two types of machines is astounding - about $150 compared to $4500. Maybe it's a a good idea to read the review above before talking to the LIfePro people.

If you're taking a supplement with Strontium it may explain the improvement in Dexa score, but what I've been reading is also that Dexa measures bone quantity, different from bone quality, measured by the TBS.

I found Dr. Fishman's Twelve Poses vs Osteoporosis, which has been proven to improve bone density. It's safe and not caused any fractures in study participants.

Margaret Martin also has a video on exercisoing with compression fractures. I hope that helps:


Wishing you the best!

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Hi Teri and group~
First let me thank you all so much for the support and info you sent me. I am looking into all of it.
I just got off the phone with the LifePro fellow...he listened to my complaints and present condition and advised me to start out in the sitting position with my hands on my knees and only use the manual program...and in the jogging foot placement. I will try this. Doing this is in a low intensity setting..not standing..I'll try it...
I got a script from my PC doc and will go for therapy..using Margaret's suggestions of what types of therapy and exercises are good for compression frxs...like myofascial release types.
Besides all this info..which I am digesting...I went to my local 'dispensary' yesterday and bought a couple of grams of CBD..with no THC....took one little toke and was amazed at how fast my back pain went away! I awoke at 3am, in pain..took another toke and that lasted until just a little while ago..I took another while I'm typing this and the pain is decreasing....lovely...without any OTC meds or oxy!
Since I've been doing all the bone building supplements as well as the stronthiem...I feel that it all has made a difference in how I've been feeling. Went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon because of my toe numbness...he showed me the x-ray where I have some swelling in my L-5-4 area that's causing this...so I'm doing natural anti-inflammatories as well. Didn't want to go for the 'iffy' injections.
We all have to find what works best for us as individuals...I like the red-infrared belt for my upper back..lower back and lay it across my knees...all of this feels really good to do as well. Doing more balance exercises as well now..boy is that ever important to do as well as being conscious of how I bend and lift...that's never easy, right? Thanks again for all you give to me and others...we all benefit from each other's experiences. Bless you all on our journey.....stay strong!


Hi Teri and group~
First let me thank you all so much for the support and info you sent me. I am looking into all of it.
I just got off the phone with the LifePro fellow...he listened to my complaints and present condition and advised me to start out in the sitting position with my hands on my knees and only use the manual program...and in the jogging foot placement. I will try this. Doing this is in a low intensity setting..not standing..I'll try it...
I got a script from my PC doc and will go for therapy..using Margaret's suggestions of what types of therapy and exercises are good for compression frxs...like myofascial release types.
Besides all this info..which I am digesting...I went to my local 'dispensary' yesterday and bought a couple of grams of CBD..with no THC....took one little toke and was amazed at how fast my back pain went away! I awoke at 3am, in pain..took another toke and that lasted until just a little while ago..I took another while I'm typing this and the pain is decreasing....lovely...without any OTC meds or oxy!
Since I've been doing all the bone building supplements as well as the stronthiem...I feel that it all has made a difference in how I've been feeling. Went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon because of my toe numbness...he showed me the x-ray where I have some swelling in my L-5-4 area that's causing this...so I'm doing natural anti-inflammatories as well. Didn't want to go for the 'iffy' injections.
We all have to find what works best for us as individuals...I like the red-infrared belt for my upper back..lower back and lay it across my knees...all of this feels really good to do as well. Doing more balance exercises as well now..boy is that ever important to do as well as being conscious of how I bend and lift...that's never easy, right? Thanks again for all you give to me and others...we all benefit from each other's experiences. Bless you all on our journey.....stay strong!

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Hi @bunky44, I wish you the best and hope it goes well.


Hi Teri and group~
First let me thank you all so much for the support and info you sent me. I am looking into all of it.
I just got off the phone with the LifePro fellow...he listened to my complaints and present condition and advised me to start out in the sitting position with my hands on my knees and only use the manual program...and in the jogging foot placement. I will try this. Doing this is in a low intensity setting..not standing..I'll try it...
I got a script from my PC doc and will go for therapy..using Margaret's suggestions of what types of therapy and exercises are good for compression frxs...like myofascial release types.
Besides all this info..which I am digesting...I went to my local 'dispensary' yesterday and bought a couple of grams of CBD..with no THC....took one little toke and was amazed at how fast my back pain went away! I awoke at 3am, in pain..took another toke and that lasted until just a little while ago..I took another while I'm typing this and the pain is decreasing....lovely...without any OTC meds or oxy!
Since I've been doing all the bone building supplements as well as the stronthiem...I feel that it all has made a difference in how I've been feeling. Went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon because of my toe numbness...he showed me the x-ray where I have some swelling in my L-5-4 area that's causing this...so I'm doing natural anti-inflammatories as well. Didn't want to go for the 'iffy' injections.
We all have to find what works best for us as individuals...I like the red-infrared belt for my upper back..lower back and lay it across my knees...all of this feels really good to do as well. Doing more balance exercises as well now..boy is that ever important to do as well as being conscious of how I bend and lift...that's never easy, right? Thanks again for all you give to me and others...we all benefit from each other's experiences. Bless you all on our journey.....stay strong!

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You and the kitten will be wearing matching tie-dye T-shirts any day now while you 'dispense' away pain, Next will be strobe lights and groovy music. LOL

I envy the ease with which one can buy and try the products. I know how much they help a friend waiting to have back surgery to hopefully fix a painful condition.

It sounds as if you're doing everything proactive and not feeling as discouraged so kudos for rallying and dealing with this.

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