← Return to Workplace Violence Hurts ... It Almost Ended My World


Workplace Violence Hurts ... It Almost Ended My World

Mental Health | Last Active: Sep 27, 2013 | Replies (261)

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What I find disheartening is that each state in the US has an attorney general. In my case, instead of protecting me and holding people accountable, the agency is protected despite all it's wrong doings.
No respect or empathy for how a life was impacted at all. Had it been another agency not affiliated, the attorney general would even be all over the news bragging about how important the protection of human life is but those with close ties are not held to the same standards: Equality, human dignity, no tolerance for workplace violence and a zero tolerance for retaliation when one reports unprofessional and unethical practices.
It's a sad sad way to practice but it's my reality.....

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Replies to "What I find disheartening is that each state in the US has an attorney general. In..."

It is sad Rox. Incredible also that the agency that has done all the wrong against you can still be protected by the law.

I have to believe that all my suffering, loses and still being out of work in the end will triumph over corruption and malice.

There are 1000s of jobs you can find out there. It is not worth sticking to just one where people don't tread you right.

Who'sgoing on a trip?where r u going. I am spool jealous. Jodi

no one is Jodi hugs xo

Yes, there are 1000's of job's. I love what I do and do it well. How will we put an end to workplace violence, discrimination and retaliation if instead of setting a presidence we are all quitting?
The one's that need to quit are the one's engaging in unlawful, unethical and unprofessional practices.
Thank You!

I'm ready... Let's go!

so true Rox but as you know our work we are so passionate and professional about. So why should you or any of us quit., through uncaring and unlawful practices that unfortunatley occur in our fields of or proffession and many others as well. If we all had the attitude of lets just quit, it's frightening to think of these control freaks would have more power than they do already Voices need to be heard we need to stand up for what is right , then a difference will be made in our messed up so called society that we live in Piglit

anywhere would be great xo

I can see where some would quit because we do deserve better but I love my job because of the patients. Through it all, my care was always quality care and unfortunately the healthcare field has a lot of people who really don't belong in it.
I'm not quitting! I will return to my job and things will be very different.
I go to work to improve the quality of the lives that I'm fortunate to have met. Acquaintances, friends etc, are secondary. The patients are my priority but I have to feel safe in order to continue providing quality care. I was not safe at work for a very long time but I still worked hard but in the end my spirit, my dignity and my health were seriously impacted.
I will never work under such oppressive conditions again ....