Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS)

Posted by captainanxiety8 @captainanxiety8, Mar 10, 2019

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'm really not sure how to interpret what's going on. I'm 40, have had random twitches now and then around my body for a few years and ignored them. Mentioned it to my Doctor last year during my annual routine health check and she said it's likely just stress and ignore it. Got sick a month ago, high fever, headache, dizziness, chills, and near constant twitching in different spots all over my body. My knees were going crazy and my biceps were twitching, I felt like my body was malfunctioning. I was also itching all over and my extremities were aching, especially in my feet and hands, but when I pressed or touched my feet or hands, there was no pain spot.

Two weeks after I got referred to a Neurologist who checked my strength, did not do any EMG or MRI, no other tests, just testing if I could physically push back or feel anything below my knees and past my elbows. He laughed and said I have benign muscular fasciculation syndrome and gave me some Xanax. I went for a second opinion and got the same diagnosis, benign muscular fasciculation, and was asked to return after a few months to check on me. The twitching is not as constant as before, but it's still happening, arms, lower and upper legs, knees, neck, shoulder, chest, they last a few seconds and stop. I can't sleep, the itching and the twitching wakes me up at night. The twitching does not go away when I move the muscle, it keeps twitching. Has anyone else ever had anything like this? If so, how or did it resolve?

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I'm 23 (male) and my muscles have been twitching lighlty for a few years but barely compared to what they've been doing recently.
Some fasciculations woke me up 6 months ago for a night but I didn't look into it much, it was after my last covid vaccine dose.
In may, 2 months ago, I got very bad symptoms from Mononucleosis, my neck swelled up to twice the size and I was in bed for over a month and my whole leg hurt immensely. My doctor said this leg pain was 'neuropathy'.
In the past month, I've been having arrhythmia, tachycardia and more fasciculations then in my entire life combined. My arms have also started feeling the same neuropathy as my leg 2 months ago. Parts of my hand also go numb/ have a tingling feeling from time to time. My girlfriend just tested positive for covid yesterday so this might just flare up to a whole new level. Anyway it's 6am and my leg hasn't let me sleep again. At least it made me read this entire thread. My doctor said it was all due to stress, which I've heard before because I am quite a stressed person, but it feels like handing me Xanax and letting me handle that isn't the way.
I'll look into some of the diets and supplements people have recommended here.
Hope you all get better, I know this isn't fun.
If I find a miracle cure I'll report back.

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Hi @pauleliaz, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear you have these dreadful condition. Kudos to you for reading through the entire discussion. Not sure there is a miracle cure but one is needed. I think it may be like some other conditions that are diagnosed by exclusion. I found this YouTube video that goes through the causes and treatments that might be helpful for those trying to find more information for BFS.

Stress has been identified as one of the possible causes. Have you looked into changes that might help decrease your stress?


It is not Benign! Cramping keeps me from running in, exercising, and SLEEPING.
Has been a problem for 28 years. NO ONE has been able to help. 3 Neurologists, 1 Interneist, 3 VA PHYSICIANS. The only time I have received any significant release is with muscle relaxers. They have the side effect of snowing my sensorium - no good. However during COVID I had a very difficult time. Was exposed to a lot of virus at once while helping a friend clean a public gaming carpet. After 5 days of of symptoms and half a brain later I received treatment with hydroxachloraquine. This drug works essentially due to the Quinine - a muscle relaxer! My fasciculations AND my cramps. Now try to find someone to prescribe it!!!

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Hello @crampedup and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I noticed you posted a couple of times on the topic of benign fasciculation so wanted to bring both of your posts into an existing discussion on the topic which you can find here:

Are you looking for a doctor to agree that prescription is suitable or is that a substance that is regulated so difficult to get?


I'm 23 (male) and my muscles have been twitching lighlty for a few years but barely compared to what they've been doing recently.
Some fasciculations woke me up 6 months ago for a night but I didn't look into it much, it was after my last covid vaccine dose.
In may, 2 months ago, I got very bad symptoms from Mononucleosis, my neck swelled up to twice the size and I was in bed for over a month and my whole leg hurt immensely. My doctor said this leg pain was 'neuropathy'.
In the past month, I've been having arrhythmia, tachycardia and more fasciculations then in my entire life combined. My arms have also started feeling the same neuropathy as my leg 2 months ago. Parts of my hand also go numb/ have a tingling feeling from time to time. My girlfriend just tested positive for covid yesterday so this might just flare up to a whole new level. Anyway it's 6am and my leg hasn't let me sleep again. At least it made me read this entire thread. My doctor said it was all due to stress, which I've heard before because I am quite a stressed person, but it feels like handing me Xanax and letting me handle that isn't the way.
I'll look into some of the diets and supplements people have recommended here.
Hope you all get better, I know this isn't fun.
If I find a miracle cure I'll report back.

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There is a Facebook group called Neuro V Long-Haulers for people who have had adverse neurological reactions to the Covid vaccines. Many people in the group have fasciculations, tachycardia, and neuropathy. Because this is so new, some physicians are unenlightened and fall back on a diagnosis of "anxiety". There is increasing evidence for immune dysregulation in both long COVID and vaccine injuries. The immune dysregulation is known to allow dormant EBV to take off. I imagine the same thing happens with a new mono (EBV) infection. You need to see a neurologist and be tested for autonomic nerve dysfunction, which could explain the tachycardia. You might also purchase a watch type heart monitor to document the episodes more thoroughly in advance of your visits to doctors. I recommend joining the Facebook group.


I am new to this group and have just been diagnosed with BFS; my symptoms started after my second Pfizer Covid vaccine and I think it may be related, does anyone also think this….
I have had all the tests done and have been prescribed by the neurologist Clonazepam 0,5 mg, does anyone have experience with this medication and if it helps.

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My twitches started after my vaccine too (about a year ago). I’m not sure if this is a link, but the only thing I can attribute it to. I was just recently diagnosed with CFS. However, I haven’t really had any cramps- just twitching everywhere randomly.

Lately, the twitches have been getting worse and my left leg has just felt ‘off’. Praying it doesn’t get worse or was a misdiagnosis. I do believe that my anxiety is contributing to the worsening symptoms.


My twitches started after my vaccine too (about a year ago). I’m not sure if this is a link, but the only thing I can attribute it to. I was just recently diagnosed with CFS. However, I haven’t really had any cramps- just twitching everywhere randomly.

Lately, the twitches have been getting worse and my left leg has just felt ‘off’. Praying it doesn’t get worse or was a misdiagnosis. I do believe that my anxiety is contributing to the worsening symptoms.

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Welcome @eabbott, I'm sorry to hear that the muscle twitches have been getting worse. I do think anxiety can worsen symptoms but I'm not a doctor. Since you also mentioned you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I thought you might find the following discussion helpful:

-- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) treatments:

Have you discussed the twitches getting worse with your doctor?


My twitches started after my vaccine too (about a year ago). I’m not sure if this is a link, but the only thing I can attribute it to. I was just recently diagnosed with CFS. However, I haven’t really had any cramps- just twitching everywhere randomly.

Lately, the twitches have been getting worse and my left leg has just felt ‘off’. Praying it doesn’t get worse or was a misdiagnosis. I do believe that my anxiety is contributing to the worsening symptoms.

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I had strong visible muscle spasms in the beginning and now have subtle fasciculations/twitching…. exercise makes it worse but I continue walking to take my mind off it; I pray one day it will go away and will never have any vaccine again ever… in the beginning I was researching what I have and that caused a lot of anxiety which doesn’t help… it’s 15 months since my second Pfizer vaccine and I am now trying to get on with a normal life. I have bought Cramp bark/magnesium supplements and will give that a try. Don’t want to take the sedative Clonazepam.
All the best..


Hello All,

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I'm sorry you / we are struggling with this disease. I'm in my 50s now and was diagnosed with BFS / CFS in March of 2020. I've seen several neurologists and had a couple of EMGs to rule out other conditions. I've given gallons of blood but all my labs have come back "normal." Like many of you, I have not been able to identify the "cause" of the cramps and fasciculations. I did have a virus prior to onset of symptoms which caused dizziness and vertigo. I also was doing a bunch of aggressive physical therapy to rehab a knee injury. I also had job and life changes ... so who knows ... ?

My symptoms are similar to many of yours. Fasciculations are persistent in my calf and and lower leg muscles. I also have constant cramping in my calf muscles. I will sometimes get night sweats. On rare occasions the cramps are really bad and will wake me up in the middle of the night. There are days when my quadriceps and hamstrings will feel "rubbery", kind of like I just ran a sprint... when in reality I'm doing something simple like washing the dishes. I also have burning in my feet, but only when it is quite warm. I will at times get tingling / pins and needles in my mid-back. Mostly it feels like someone / something is trying to "peel" my calf muscles off of my bones. ALL these symptoms will "subside" to some degree when I exercise or am fully engaged in an activity or a film or a book... but if I'm idle they can be very noticeable. All seem to be worse in the morning and subside a little during the day.

In order to help alleviate the symptoms I have tried prescription medications and supplements. My experience with them is as follows --

Prescriptions --
*Gabapentin -- Did nothing to stop the cramps or fasciculations. Caused really bad swelling in my feet. Stopped taking it
*Tegritol -- Developed a DVT in my leg and got Peyronie's Disease within 3 weeks of being on this medication. Subsequently I was diagnosed with APS (Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome). Whether these issues were caused by the Tegritol or just a coincidence I will never know. But I stopped taking this one.

Supplements --
*Magnesium Glycenate (LOTS of it -- 1 teaspoon 2x/day... gives me diarrhea...)
*Vitamin B-12
*Vitamin E

Other --
*1:1 CBD:THC edibles. I take one after dinner -- my new dessert. I believe it helps me sleep through the night. I also feel that it alters my perception of the pain and makes it less intense and focused and more diffuse.
*Tylenol -- I take 2 extra strength Tylenol at night before bed
*Diet -- I've tried the KETO diet but lost a bit too much weight. Now I'm just focused on eliminating sugar and bread. I also cut out caffeine.
*Exercise -- I've been an athlete my entire life. I played college basketball. I bike raced after college. I've always been active. I continue to ride my bike, swim and lift weights. I will stretch 2 days per week and also use a foam roller and a theragun. I understand that "exercise intolerance" is one of the issues that comes with BFS / CFS. It is certainly more difficult and painful for me to bike and swim now -- however what is odd is that my swim and bike times are the same as before the CFS ... so while its more painful my "performance" / "power" has not changed. I believe despite the pain the exercise does more good than harm and it certainly helps with my mental state and gives me the sense (Illusion?) of having some control over my body. Plus ... endorphins!
*Acupuncture -- 1x / week. I'm hoping it will "calm" my nervous system. Just started this a couple weeks ago...
*Physical Therapy -- I just started going 2x per week to a PT who specializes in neurological and pain issues. We are working on "neuroplasticity" along with strength and flexibility.
*Mental health -- I talk to someone about anxiety / depression. This disease can get me down particularly when I start to think it may "never go away"

I hope my experience helps someone here. I will say that it has been a struggle, but over time I feel I have improved a little. My symptoms 18 months ago were quite bad and I had given up on a lot of my activities and hobbies. Now I just try and "go about my business", take care of myself the best I can and ignore the symptoms as best I can. Please feel free to ask me any questions ... also, if anyone has any recommendations for me I am grateful for your time and input

Be well.

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Hi there,
Wondering if you think there's been any success with the acupuncture - it's something I've considered, but it's pretty far down the list.


I’m so glad to have found this thread. I have what feels like bolts of electricity, tingling and numbness. I took a 30 second video of a tremor in my ankle to show to my new dr when I get an actual appointment. Right now I’ve been waiting a month to get just a telehealth visit.
A little background, I have a history of myoclonus jerks just as I’m falling asleep. I’m a 51 year old female. The jerks started back in my early 20’s.
They prescribed me a new drug at the time-neurontin. Eventually the jerks went away.
Fast forward to last year and the pandemic. My teenager runs away and I haven’t seen him in 10 months. I know where he is (safe with family) but as a single mother it completely wrecked me and still does. Even though I have a therapist (she is online because of Covid) I can’t help but wonder if my tremors/jerks/whatever they are ... is it just stress?
I should add that when they occur they are quite painful. They started in my legs and now they are in hips and thighs, arms and neck.
Back in September 2020 when the twitches started my previous gp prescribed me xanax. I’ve taken them every day since then and I honestly feel they wear off so quickly but without them I would not be able to sleep at all due to the myoclonic jerking.
I also was just diagnosed with a Morton’s neuroma by my podiatrist, not sure if it’s related.
One other thing I have going on... I just got a memory foam mattress and it is horrible, (I’m heavy at the moment (gained 50 pounds during 2020) I sink into the mattress and wake up with a raging backache. I am now sleeping on the floor in the living room until I can invest in yet another mattress.
I am nervous about a couple of things. The first is explaining all this to my new doctor. I don’t want all my symptoms to be chalked up to anxiety yet I also cannot afford tests I may not need. The second is running out of Xanax and going cold turkey as I’ve read it can cause terrible withdrawals.
If you have read this in its entirety, God bless you. I’m really just ready to start feeling better and moving on to enjoy life. Thank you

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Hast du es noch immer? Habe das selbe blitzartige Zucker wie elektrisch jede sekunden keiner weiss was es ist. Wird immer mehr. Es hat vor 2 jahren begonnen. An manchen Stellen permanent. Zu hoher Puls im stehen, Taube Stellen, kribbeln. Es ist wie folter


Has anyone here tried Sprint PNS (Peripheral Nerve Stimulation)? That's the next thing on my list.


Has anyone here tried Sprint PNS (Peripheral Nerve Stimulation)? That's the next thing on my list.

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@marvel61018 - There is a discussion on the stimular that you might want to read through...

-- SPR Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (SPRINT):

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