Is there anyone that had estrogen positive cancer, without use of AI?

Posted by tygerrag2 @tygerrag2, Jul 14, 2022

Is there anyone with stage 1 breast cancer, estrogen positive that had a lumpectomy followed by radiation without any other treatment and has remained cancer free?

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I am afraid to have additional tests.

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I understand totally. I just tend to think that "ignorance is bliss" doesn't apply to our health. If you don't have more tests, you'll worry that you should have or that something might have been found. And they could be reassuring that the problem is limited and can be dealt with. I guess my motto is that the problem with reality is that it always wins so the sooner I face it, the better my choices. I just wish we could all help you more...


@cctoo I looked up Estrohalt, which "contains two potent aromatase inhibitors and one natural estrogen blocker." It is used to reduce excess estrogen/estrogen dominance which causes symptoms like breast tenderness or mood issues. It is not intended to eliminate estrogen from the adrenals entirely, the way the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors do.

If Estrohalt does have the same effectiveness, then the side effects presumably would be the same as the pharmaceutical AI's since side effects are from suppression of estrogen.

If Estrohalt does not have the same effectiveness, then your cancer is not being adequately treated.

I hope you will consider medications! Is there a way for you to determine if you are stage 4 w/spread?

Antivirals sound interesting but I assume they are not yet available for you.

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I looked up Estrohalt too and would not rely on an unregulated supplement for anything serious unless monitored by a doctor I was working with.

But reading the active ingredients of the stuff (especially the DIM) is interesting. I looked at some studies on it on PubMed and I'm going to double-up on cruciferous vegetables as a consequence since they appear to have a number of breast-cancer-fighting attributes so far documented in labs. And they can't hurt anyway.


I understand totally. I just tend to think that "ignorance is bliss" doesn't apply to our health. If you don't have more tests, you'll worry that you should have or that something might have been found. And they could be reassuring that the problem is limited and can be dealt with. I guess my motto is that the problem with reality is that it always wins so the sooner I face it, the better my choices. I just wish we could all help you more...

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Thank you you make sense. I am kind of sad if I think I have life changing disease. At 86 and no help...I hope you're right...pray just the lymph node...!my blood tests normal. I ask for prayers.


@cctoo I looked up Estrohalt, which "contains two potent aromatase inhibitors and one natural estrogen blocker." It is used to reduce excess estrogen/estrogen dominance which causes symptoms like breast tenderness or mood issues. It is not intended to eliminate estrogen from the adrenals entirely, the way the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors do.

If Estrohalt does have the same effectiveness, then the side effects presumably would be the same as the pharmaceutical AI's since side effects are from suppression of estrogen.

If Estrohalt does not have the same effectiveness, then your cancer is not being adequately treated.

I hope you will consider medications! Is there a way for you to determine if you are stage 4 w/spread?

Antivirals sound interesting but I assume they are not yet available for you.

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Makes sense. Have appt for CT scans. Praying for normal results. Thank you. You all make sense..


I understand totally. I just tend to think that "ignorance is bliss" doesn't apply to our health. If you don't have more tests, you'll worry that you should have or that something might have been found. And they could be reassuring that the problem is limited and can be dealt with. I guess my motto is that the problem with reality is that it always wins so the sooner I face it, the better my choices. I just wish we could all help you more...

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You are right. Could be reassuring.


Makes sense. Have appt for CT scans. Praying for normal results. Thank you. You all make sense..

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Good luck with the scans!


Thank you -- I went back to read your respond. By any chance, did your oncologist have any research on that that I could share with mine? At 4 years out, due to the neuroendocrine and because the ductal cancer broke through into my lymphatic system, they're talking about me staying on this for another 6 years! Being on the half dose, the fatigue is not as bad.

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@trixie1313 I think oncologists tend to be open to alternating days with AI's. You can bring the Femara insert that I posted, that said 20% of the usual dose is effective in making estrogen undetectable.

My cancer also got into the lymph system (LVI). But at 5 years I had a Breast Cancer Index test that showed that I would have no benefit from further meds. I originally wanted 10 years.

My docs had not heard of that test but it is now in the NCCN guidelines. Have you had it?

I don't know how that applies to the neuroendocrine...


Did anyone have this ERA test? It's included on a list of tumor markers on the government website (link below).

Estrogen Receptor Assay (ERA)
A laboratory test of breast cancer tissue to determine the responsiveness of the tumor to endocrine therapy or to removal of the ovaries.

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@callalloo isn't the estrogen receptor assay done on all of our tumors after surgery (and sometimes with biopsy too)? I mean isn't that one of the basic standard tests done?

Oncotype also tests estrogen responsiveness but I already had my pathology results of 95% for ER and 80% for PR.


@callalloo isn't the estrogen receptor assay done on all of our tumors after surgery (and sometimes with biopsy too)? I mean isn't that one of the basic standard tests done?

Oncotype also tests estrogen responsiveness but I already had my pathology results of 95% for ER and 80% for PR.

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I think you're right. I thought the test was a tumor marker blood test because it's on the list but it's likely done as part of the biopsy.

Here's the definition:
"The estrogen receptor assay is a laboratory test done on a piece of cancer in order to see whether estrogen receptors are present."


I think you're right. I thought the test was a tumor marker blood test because it's on the list but it's likely done as part of the biopsy.

Here's the definition:
"The estrogen receptor assay is a laboratory test done on a piece of cancer in order to see whether estrogen receptors are present."

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Post biopsy and/or post-surgery and part of Oncotype and other tests.

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