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After being diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 56 I followed my doctor's recommendation to take biphosphonates. After 2 years there was slight improvement, but after a required pause in the medication I regressed. I repeated the process with another drug (I forget which ones, this was several years ago) with the same results. I did some research and decided to try AlgaeCal. Their website has loads of info and a staff of medical experts in bone health who can answer your questions, and an online support group. After 2 years taking the plant based calcium supplements I had significant improvement and no side effects. Every DEXA scan I've had since I began AlgaeCal has shown continued bone growth, so I no longer have osteoporosis! This has been my experience, I know everyone's condition is different. But do the research, find what your options are, and be aware of the push for pharmaceuticals.

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Replies to "After being diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 56 I followed my doctor's recommendation to take biphosphonates...."

@criss did your treatment with AlgaeCal include strontium? I cannot find the exact ingredients on their website but many of the testimonials on bone growth are from people who took strontium.

Strontium is denser than calcium and replaces it in bones, so the DEXA looks better than it is, and will make the DEXA look better than it is as strontium accumulates in the bones.

I find the AlgaeCal website to be quite misleading.

I wonder what your original DEXA scores were. Some of us have multiple fractures that are painful and disabling and are grateful for the medications that make us stronger. If your scores were not that bad, I can understand trying alternatives to meds, but meds are truly lifesaving for some.

If your DEXA was more severe your doc should have put you on a bone-builder like Forteo, Tymlos or Evenity, not a bisphosphonate. Again, if your osteoporosis is mild, it's great that you are trying an alternative but be careful if strontium is part of your regimen!

Hi @criss, I've noticed Algaecal has a number of supplements. Which ones do you take? Algaecal also has some videos of Dr. Loren Fishman's bone-building yoga workouts which I've been doing.