Not again, I’ve gotten Covid for the 5th time.

Posted by bobbyd1017 @becky1024, Jul 18, 2022

For those of you that have gotten Covid multiple time like me, I’m about ready to throw in the towel. At present, I’m waiting for my body to explode and a phone call from my clinic. This episode is #5 but who’s counting, This one is nasty and caught me by surprise, even tho I wear a good quality mask everywhere. I was at my local Super Walmart Wednesday (7-13-2022) picking up a much needed prescription. That has to be when I picked up this bug and if you read my posts “Becky1024” I think, you know I’m the proud owner of a nonexistent immune system that provides very little protection. So by Thursday night (7-14-2022) the following symptoms appeared in this order. Sore throat, discomfort in both lungs, cough, mild fever, ear aches in both ears, severe headache, dizziness, trouble walking. They all came in as gangbusters because they tore my nonexistent immune system to pieces.

By Friday (7-15-2022) I’m literally a zombie, wondering what the he!!’s going wrong with me. Bad enough I’m a long hauler from Covid #3 (no taste or smell) now I’m seriously loosing my hearing in my right ear it hurts so badly (like went I was a kid) but all my other symptoms have turned up the action. Everything is going off the chart, like that drug resistant monster I brought home from Florida in 2006. Now I’m wondering what bug I did pick up it’s so overwhelming. By Saturday (7-16-2022) I feel like death warmed over and then I read about Variant BA #5, it’s fast, nasty, very contagious and it has to be what’s swimming carefree in my blood and body. This has to be the worst bug my body has encountered except that Florida bug. Sunday (7-17-2022) is a mystery, I’m floating in and out of happiness and death, so much so, I’m looking up Funeral Directors in my hometown, seriously! My heart is so fragile, it’s trying to slip in and out of Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia which will likely kill me after 3 heart attacks. Then I felt a sudden buildup of pressure in my right ear, then nothing. Normally humans have stereo hearing, I’m now mono (only electronic geeks will understand) and I realize I’m deaf in my right. I’m so worn out, I sleep on and off all day, thankfully I can’t feel all the pain I’m in. If nightmares are this bad, BA #5 is a doozy.

I’ve been up all night wondering how one Covid Variant could be so dangerous and vicious you actually want to die to stop this enemy. I’ve battled many different types of diseases, defects, rare genetic mutations to fill a book. I can’t be the only person on this planet with such a disaster for a body. I call myself a “freak of nature” but now I believe aliens came here and shoved me up inside my mother. just before I was forcefully pulled out of her (true fact about being pulled out because I got stuck since my head is so large).

It’s now 9:30am (7-18-2022), I’m still waiting for a call. Anyone else been attacked by this monster? If so, how you doing, better than me hopefully. Sincerely, Becky1024

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What are the Doctors doing for you. Hopefully they will soon find a treatment for you so you can be on the mend. Stay strong I feel for you.


Thank you but there’s not much they can do, I was born defective with to many rare conditions. All I can do is have a strong will to live, try to detect any illness as soon as possible and practice a germ fighting routine. I’m like the movie of a boy who had to live in a bubble to protect him. I’m not that bad but It’s something I’ve had to deal with my entire life, all 78 years. There isn’t a part of my body that hasn’t been under attack, from the mini stroke in my brain to the neuropathy in my legs that has killed the pain nerves. I push my body to the breaking point and stop.


I have had it once and it was enough for me. I’m so sorry to hear the struggle but it is real…. I’m vaccinated, I do not share my car or small space with other people unmasked including my children. They will soon show there is a genetic component to this beast. Right now I’m getting hyperbaric oxygen treatments and I feel things a changing. I also completed the PRC clinic at Mayo. That has really helped. Take the time to find an immunologist. I know it will be a long wait but 2 years is a longtime to suffer. Dr Munappali has helped me at Mayo.

On Instagram I have posted content #covidrecoverymama You are suffering no Doubt. Don’t give up. I have a very small circle of friends. I had COVID once and that was enough. Life has been hard. Surviving is different kind of Hell…. Take care of yourself. I take D3 and other supplements hang in there. Drink lots of water and rest.


I have had it once and it was enough for me. I’m so sorry to hear the struggle but it is real…. I’m vaccinated, I do not share my car or small space with other people unmasked including my children. They will soon show there is a genetic component to this beast. Right now I’m getting hyperbaric oxygen treatments and I feel things a changing. I also completed the PRC clinic at Mayo. That has really helped. Take the time to find an immunologist. I know it will be a long wait but 2 years is a longtime to suffer. Dr Munappali has helped me at Mayo.

On Instagram I have posted content #covidrecoverymama You are suffering no Doubt. Don’t give up. I have a very small circle of friends. I had COVID once and that was enough. Life has been hard. Surviving is different kind of Hell…. Take care of yourself. I take D3 and other supplements hang in there. Drink lots of water and rest.

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Things that also worked is 1 Zyrtec 1 Pepcid 1 Benadryl at Night to recover.

I like Sambicol as well. Take to your Dr about taking these meds. I am not a Dr all of these have been recommendations Be well.


I have had it once and it was enough for me. I’m so sorry to hear the struggle but it is real…. I’m vaccinated, I do not share my car or small space with other people unmasked including my children. They will soon show there is a genetic component to this beast. Right now I’m getting hyperbaric oxygen treatments and I feel things a changing. I also completed the PRC clinic at Mayo. That has really helped. Take the time to find an immunologist. I know it will be a long wait but 2 years is a longtime to suffer. Dr Munappali has helped me at Mayo.

On Instagram I have posted content #covidrecoverymama You are suffering no Doubt. Don’t give up. I have a very small circle of friends. I had COVID once and that was enough. Life has been hard. Surviving is different kind of Hell…. Take care of yourself. I take D3 and other supplements hang in there. Drink lots of water and rest.

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Unfortunately, protection is only an illusion against Covid. My best girlfriend, early 30’s had both shots and the booster and guess what? Yep, she got a breakout case of Covid, gave it to her grandmother and both of her two children. The grandmother ended up in the intensive care unit on oxygen for over a month, they didn’t expect her to live but pulled thru. Both children had mild cases but my best friend had a bad case. Even lost her sense of smell plus other other issues. So what did the 3 doses of vaccine do for her and her family, besides almost killing her grandmother, very little I’d say.


Things that also worked is 1 Zyrtec 1 Pepcid 1 Benadryl at Night to recover.

I like Sambicol as well. Take to your Dr about taking these meds. I am not a Dr all of these have been recommendations Be well.

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I’m not allowed to take any of those drugs, not unless you want to stop my heart and kill me. My heart is so fragile and messed up from a serious and rare heart birth defect, I must be couscous of any drug I take. Heck, I’ve have had doctors prescribed drugs that almost killed me with just one pill. So my 1 in a million heart birth defect is unpredictable. Thanks for caring about me. Sincerely, Becky1024

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