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Hey everyone, It's been a bit since I updated. So since I had my adenoid surgery I have been doing the nasal rinses twice a day. I was convinced at first that the surgery had made it worse but what I have discovered is there is thick clear mucus draining from somewhere that was (without the nasal rinses twice a day) drying and creating the scab. I do not have the scab now with doing these rinses I do have a horrible almost 24/7 thick clear mucus drainage tho that does get stuck around the area that the scab was forming (around the adenoid area) and I have to hack it up bit it isn't as painful as the scab. Still irritating for sure and the anxiety is for sure still present. I had mentioned in my last post that my ENT did find a very small hole near my adenoids (We had never seen it there prior to the surgery) we aren't sure if it was caused during surgery or what. I'm going to make another appointment with my ENT to discuss where this thick clear mucus could be coming from. He had suggested over the phone that it could be from this small hole and he could do a procedure in the office that they use on nose bleeds to attempt to close the hole. Im skeptical of allowing them to mess with it at this point, but I will keep everyone updated. Has anyone that is using the nasal rinses daily noticed that you aren't producing this scab but you do have thick clear mucus getting stuck around that same area that you are hacking up?

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Replies to "Hey everyone, It's been a bit since I updated. So since I had my adenoid surgery..."

Hi! I just ended up here because I'm desperately looking for a solution as well. Did you let your ENT do anything about the hole? And do you have an update about the mucus drainage? Hope you're feeling better!

I used a neti pot daily for while, but in the end it only seemed to worsen my post nasal drip.. Now experimenting with NAC supplements and anti histamine.