Fecal incontinence: What helps?

Posted by jenweb @jenweb, Jul 14, 2022

History of fecal incontinence due to sphincter muscle no longer functioning, caused by forceps delivery, menopause and age. have tried SNS implant, not successful and removed. I am 70 years old and have also tried kegels, acupuncture, diet. IBS symptoms of diarrhea. Have tried diet changes, giving up gluten and lactose, no response.
Has anyone had any similar issues with any successful results? This has been going on for 15 years and I am very frustrated and not ready to wear an adult diaper, as I lead a very active lifestyle.

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Yes, I am trying pelvic floor PT, just for a month now. They tell me it takes 3-4 months to notice a difference, some shall see. It helps with urinary but not fecal incontinence so far. In the meantime, I find the pelvic floor exercises a real challenge and so is trying to do them every day twice a day! Thank-you for your input.

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@jenweb Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I agree that keeping up with the exercises they give you for homework takes some real dedication. I'll admit I'm not very good with this and your note reminds me to do these more often. It's wonderful that it's helping with urinary.

I'd very much like to know about your ongoing progress with the pelvic PT for fecal incontinence. Will you come back and report on your progress?


Yes, I will for sure!


I have also had this problem for years and it’s getting worse, to the point of interrupting my active lifestyle. I started taking Metamucil which has helped but not enough. I’m now looking at surgical options.

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i too found Metamucil help full


Hello I too have this problem with milk, cheese and ice cream. Although I love these dairy products but I have to stay away from them as much as possible 🙃 because if not I will have a hard time through out the day for sure. I'm 59 and I sometimes have to where a discreet brief and I don't like it but hey I have to do whatever it takes sometimes.


Hi. I’m 64 years old and suffer from fecal incontinence for years.
I had a anoplasty, nerve stimulator, a recent rectal prolapse repair, pelvic therapy and have an appointment for a flexible sigmoidoscopy and change in diet.
Nothing is helping. I’m at my wits end. I’m starting to think having a colectomy.
I looking for support and suggestions.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.


I am so sorry and I totally empathize. I had proctitis which turned into colitis. Long story short, it resulted in a total colectomy in 2000. I received a J-pouch surgery where they constructed a colon out of my small intestine. Although my bowel function is not perfect, it is much better now that the colitis was (literally) cut out of my body. During my bout with colitis, I experienced terrible fecal incontinence on a daily basis. The reason I mention this to you is, in addition to colitis, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which I believe was largely responsible for my fecal incontinence. I do not know if this is a part of your diagnosis. If not, I would check into it. There may be a IBS treatment that will address your incontinence. Just an idea for you to consider. Best of luck to you.


I am so sorry and I totally empathize. I had proctitis which turned into colitis. Long story short, it resulted in a total colectomy in 2000. I received a J-pouch surgery where they constructed a colon out of my small intestine. Although my bowel function is not perfect, it is much better now that the colitis was (literally) cut out of my body. During my bout with colitis, I experienced terrible fecal incontinence on a daily basis. The reason I mention this to you is, in addition to colitis, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which I believe was largely responsible for my fecal incontinence. I do not know if this is a part of your diagnosis. If not, I would check into it. There may be a IBS treatment that will address your incontinence. Just an idea for you to consider. Best of luck to you.

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Thank you for your response.
I’m having a flexible sigmoidoscopy in a few days. Though I don’t want anything seriously wrong, I do hope they find something.


Thank you for your response.
I’m having a flexible sigmoidoscopy in a few days. Though I don’t want anything seriously wrong, I do hope they find something.

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Yes, testing is the key. Keep us posted. Sending you good vibes, Susan! Arlo


I had almost immediate positive results using psyllium capsules, starting with one, and going up if needed. It also comes in bulk form that is cheaper. Costco carries this as do many other places. This along with using a bidet has gotten my problem under control. I don’t know how anyone, especially as you get older, lives without a bidet! You can get one that attaches to the toilet at Costco or Amazon. Good luck!


Hi. I’m 64 years old and suffer from fecal incontinence for years.
I had a anoplasty, nerve stimulator, a recent rectal prolapse repair, pelvic therapy and have an appointment for a flexible sigmoidoscopy and change in diet.
Nothing is helping. I’m at my wits end. I’m starting to think having a colectomy.
I looking for support and suggestions.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.

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When did you have your prolapse surgery? Was it laparoscopic? I had one 7 weeks ago and still have some pain in my belly area and hoping it’s not adhesions. The fecal incontinence has not gotten better and the surgeon wants to do the nerve stimulator. Please let me know if you find something that works.

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