Rib cage tightness: Not sure what it might be

Posted by greekcan @greekcan, Jun 10, 2022

I am at wits end with this hugging tightness around my rib cage. Does any have any idea what might be causing this and who can help me. It started almost 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. That got repaired but the squeezing tightness never went away. It will calm down at night but during day it start buy end of day it leaves me so uncomfortable and it’s gotten worse. Doctor I am seeing is ruling out MS. Thanks for reading my post.

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It's good to know that I'm not the only one dealing with this. Of course, I also feel no one should have to go through this. It really messes up your life - especially when you have other health problems as well.


This is very helpful. Yes I had both the heart and lungs checked out. Now am being tested for MS but I don’t think that is it. I had one doctors say live with it but I can’t anymore I tried it is getting worse. The top of my stomach squeezes and hurts then it shifts onto my ribs. Another doctor told me it was my posture. It’s not at all. I’m in San Antonio and I’m very disappointed with the care. I had a hernia it bright it on the hernia was repaired but this didn’t go away. Thanks again. I’ll keep pushing the doctors.

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Hello @greekcan
I forgot to mention that I was also diagnosed with a hiatal hernia but the tightness started before that. Of course, I don't know how long I had the hernia either! They left it up to me whether I wanted surgery or not, they said it wasn't really necessary. I chose not to have it done because I'd read negative things about the material they use in the repair process -something about how the mesh can grow into the flesh. However, to confuse things more, later when I had a CT Scan, no hernia was visible. Maybe it slides or something, who knows? All they have ever done for me is give me stuff for heartburn although there is more to it than that. Anyway, hope you have found some relief. GDanker


This is very helpful. Yes I had both the heart and lungs checked out. Now am being tested for MS but I don’t think that is it. I had one doctors say live with it but I can’t anymore I tried it is getting worse. The top of my stomach squeezes and hurts then it shifts onto my ribs. Another doctor told me it was my posture. It’s not at all. I’m in San Antonio and I’m very disappointed with the care. I had a hernia it bright it on the hernia was repaired but this didn’t go away. Thanks again. I’ll keep pushing the doctors.

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Hello @greekcan
I cannot say that it is painful in the sense that it "hurts" but it is just this unbearable tightness that never goes away. I feel best when I'm laying down on my side. Since, I'm writing all this in one sitting, I realize that I should have included all this in one email. Will conclude for now. Will check back!
P.S. I would like to add that I wear a hernia belt, not for the hernia but it seems to counteract the pressure so it seems more like the tightness is coming from the belt and not my body. Actually I have 3 in different widths which one works better at certain times than others. Do hope to hear more from you.


To @greekcan
I apologize for this fractured email all over the place and now I'm not even sure if you will be able to read it! I'm never very good with these forums. Also about the MS, I was checked for it also but that wasn't it. There's a condition that is called MS Hug that people with MS experience and I guess the symptoms are much the same. My pulmonary doctor did say it could be due to deterioration in the spine and affect the nerve endings in the rib area. Sometimes the more you learn, the less you know and so, it goes on and on. However, I'm not giving up on it although for a long time I quit looking, I was so fed up with it!


I have been experiencing the same thing and also for about 4-5 years. I think that it could be due to the myofascial knots that form in the fascia. I have been wondering if any kind of vibratory therapy would work? My doctors have been of little help to me. I really would like to know how you are doing? I've come across this problem a lot from different people on the Internet but they didn't have any more idea what to do. I'd really like to know if you find any relief.
Sometimes I feel like I just can't go on like this!
Thankyou - GDanker

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Have you had them X-rayed? Because when I broke a bunch of ribs, 3 of one side, then 3 on the other, to me, it felt like a tighteness (among other things). When bones get brittle, you can break your own ribs by exerting too much.


Thank you for replying but it's nothing like that. I've had plenty of x-rays and CT Scans and that is something that I can definitely rule out. I'm thinking it's a myofascial problem. I just keep on looking into all the possibilities! Hope you have a good day. Thanks again. GDanker


Have you Dr check you for Costochondritis. Its the inflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage. I have been diagnosed with this. PT Exercises and a heating pad has helped. It can be very painful and take your breath away.
Also looked into MALS Median Acruate Ligament Syndrome. It has to do with a compression of the Celiac Artery due to nerves surrounding the Artery compressing. It is rare, but there are many people out there who have it and not diagnosed because most doctors don't know what it is. I suffered for a year and went thru 20 various tests before I was diagnosed. Good Luck.


Have you Dr check you for Costochondritis. Its the inflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage. I have been diagnosed with this. PT Exercises and a heating pad has helped. It can be very painful and take your breath away.
Also looked into MALS Median Acruate Ligament Syndrome. It has to do with a compression of the Celiac Artery due to nerves surrounding the Artery compressing. It is rare, but there are many people out there who have it and not diagnosed because most doctors don't know what it is. I suffered for a year and went thru 20 various tests before I was diagnosed. Good Luck.

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I have come to believe that it could be something like what you describe. One thing that differs, though, is that it is not actual "painful". It is an extreme tightness around the lower rib cage and midriff. I do think it lies in the Fascia of the rib cage that are extremely tensed all the time. It is just this constant "squeezing" and it is incredibly unbearable to live with year after year. Now if I press down with my fingers in this area, I can find painful areas but only painful when I press down, not otherwise. There are also little nodule-like areas, which are often described in trigger point therapy that when you push on them are extremely painful but otherwise you don't feel them. My insurance paid for a couple of weeks of therapy but somehow the therapist was not quite getting it right. It's hard to explain. It didn't help a bit.

However, with kind people like yourself, writing in with possible diagnoses, I have a fighting chance of getting some help with this. I will look up the MALS as it is a possibility. Thank you very much.


I have come to believe that it could be something like what you describe. One thing that differs, though, is that it is not actual "painful". It is an extreme tightness around the lower rib cage and midriff. I do think it lies in the Fascia of the rib cage that are extremely tensed all the time. It is just this constant "squeezing" and it is incredibly unbearable to live with year after year. Now if I press down with my fingers in this area, I can find painful areas but only painful when I press down, not otherwise. There are also little nodule-like areas, which are often described in trigger point therapy that when you push on them are extremely painful but otherwise you don't feel them. My insurance paid for a couple of weeks of therapy but somehow the therapist was not quite getting it right. It's hard to explain. It didn't help a bit.

However, with kind people like yourself, writing in with possible diagnoses, I have a fighting chance of getting some help with this. I will look up the MALS as it is a possibility. Thank you very much.

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If you want more information on MALS, there are 2 great Facebook pages I belong to. One is called MALS Pals and the other is MALS Community Awareness. At the top of these pages are all types of info and files that might help. Good Luck.


This is really wierd. When I was a teenI had what you describe. My ribs felt like they were being crushed and for me it was very painful. I would wrap my arms around my chest and hold my breath until the pain went away. Never had it since and never told anyone about.

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