How do you cope with multiple chronic problems?

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Apr 18, 2022

Anyone have suggestions for how to cope with multiple chronic problems? It's hard enough to deal with any chronic pain, but what about when you have 3 or 4 different things going on most/all of the time I'm working on the various issues with the appropriate medical specialists, including a fine pain management doctor. Usually, I handle the pain well enough. However, with 3 or 4 on-going problems for days and weeks on end, I'm just exhausted dealing with the pain. I think we all agree that dealing with chronic pain (after whatever physical treatment can help) is mostly a mental focus. Any suggestions would be appreciated! I hope this is a good day for you, Sue

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@ashby1947 Honestly, I have seen some of the best and some of the worst ways to deal with MCD (Multiple Chronic Diseases) such as my own. The best ways include one's greater community into the "Healing and Dealing" processes. Over the past 70 years as student, as pastor, as teacher, some of the most effective support has been in the local communities, including churches, fraternal orgs, extended families, business groups, etc. If the local group chooses to be supportive, it can cover areas of issues in almost anyone. I have made notes of literally thousands of ways my family and friends have supported m, and a few ways they have made things worse. But here is a suggestion. Every local church can put together a MCD group of both the troubled and those who want to be supportive of them. Then discuss problem areas, such as hearing, or reading disabilities or whatever, and look for ways to be involved. One of my friends has a genetic issue with reading. I have her a copy of my book about Jesus, written in simple language. She has told my many times That she can read that book, or listen to my recording of Jesus Chronicles, and that is now her daily devotional. Anyway, there is a way that any of us need the support of our families and friends. The church exists to make this cosmos the best possible place for people like you and me to live. The best way calls for each of us to do what we can for one another, and in that way, help ourselves. These groups are exactly that.


Two people advised me to keep a med set, which is the set of pills for morning, afternoon, bedtime, and a different set for each day of the week. There are different arrangements. You could pick one that looks best for your life. Then, I use the old fashion kind of calendar. I also white out those holidays we don't observe, and I make sure to put in the years worth of all the holidays we do observe. I make sure my calendar has my roommate's work schedule, but the rest of that calendar is only my info. If I am having trouble with my Dentist's office (the one before the dentist I now have was commiting fraud) then I shift if at all possible to some other healthcare issue. I keep my own medical records. I went to Goodwill and sure enough, found a 3 drawer filing cabinet, and I use it strictly for medical information. I check my ins companies information on me, regularly, and notify them if they have bogus disgnosis.

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@thenazareneshl Hey, friend!! I don't know if you intended it or not, but your term, "bo-gus dis-gnosis" or is that bo-gus mis-gnosis, surely fits your point. Thanks. With your permission, I will use that with my next medical update with my PCP, to whom Genetics is limited to the book of Genesis. oldkarl


What are the best things that ever happened to you in your life?
Take all the HAPPY LIFE and bring it back to the top of your thoughts and do list AND BE HAPPY 😃


What are the best things that ever happened to you in your life?
Take all the HAPPY LIFE and bring it back to the top of your thoughts and do list AND BE HAPPY 😃

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@tjaapa Wise words, sir. Thank you for your service and for your positive contribution to Connect.

You made me happy today!



One thing I forgot to put in my early post. And that is when dealing with multiple conditions, since 1990, I only lately found the best way for me to do it was to set a limit on how many healthcare providers I would see each week. Regardless of what they were treating. At first, it seemed like to me like that would leave me not taking proper care of important issues when that's not what's happened. My stress levels came from the penthouse to 1st floor. This includes an MRI, or anything but blood tests, because I live very close to a lab and it's and easy thing for me. Neither do I count going to my Pharmacy because my daughter and I live together and it's right on her way home from work. Also, because they are the least stressful of the whole bunch which I can say is a delight after years of some difficult ones. You put it in the order of what's most stressful for you. If a trip to your PCP is a joy, then it doesn't get restricted. Our healthcare providers often do not under stand that for some people, a colonoscopy take months to work up the courage to do. For others, it's not big deal (though I don't know those folks). I only break this rule (and you could invent your own) like last 4th of July when I had to go to the ER for cellulitis of my whole left eye socket. A doctor told me to go. The whole thing has made possible what I was only failing at before. You alone know which specialists can't give you and appt until 3 months from now, and who will get you in next week. That's makes you the best person to control your calendar. And having some control of it is half the battle against stress and uncertainty.


What are the best things that ever happened to you in your life?
Take all the HAPPY LIFE and bring it back to the top of your thoughts and do list AND BE HAPPY 😃

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Jesus. My sister and the forgiveness of my brother. My last child. Laser surgery for glaucoma of both my eyes, that was sucessful on both. Being able to walk again after losing it on my left side, for years. Getting the ability to read back again after about 8 years gone. A PC that has done what speach therapy would have done, if I'd had it. Getting my last child back from those who took her, safe, and sound. The miracle money that just appeared, to escape abusers. My daughter moving me in with her, in her 20's. Good landlords. A clean home. My last cat. A van. Healing from decades of cystic acne. A doctor putting me out, rebreaking my left foot, and setting with wires. And treating the pain thereof from beginning to cure. Pain management while months of steroid injections into my spine were done by Anesthesiologists. A trip to see my sister after 30 years of estrangement. Holding my perfectly healthy baby at age 42.


Jesus. My sister and the forgiveness of my brother. My last child. Laser surgery for glaucoma of both my eyes, that was sucessful on both. Being able to walk again after losing it on my left side, for years. Getting the ability to read back again after about 8 years gone. A PC that has done what speach therapy would have done, if I'd had it. Getting my last child back from those who took her, safe, and sound. The miracle money that just appeared, to escape abusers. My daughter moving me in with her, in her 20's. Good landlords. A clean home. My last cat. A van. Healing from decades of cystic acne. A doctor putting me out, rebreaking my left foot, and setting with wires. And treating the pain thereof from beginning to cure. Pain management while months of steroid injections into my spine were done by Anesthesiologists. A trip to see my sister after 30 years of estrangement. Holding my perfectly healthy baby at age 42.

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Hello, Thank you for sharing!

Often we get so caught up in all that is wrong in our bodies, our lives and our world that we forget to enumerate all for which we are grateful.

I try to keep my mind and heart full of all my blessings, large and small. It crowds out the negative thoughts and makes me more calm.

Have you seen this Connect discussion about gratitude?


It sure helps to read how others are coping with multiple illnesses but just not working for me. Having fecal incontinence now since C,Diff and over 100 vancomycin seems to have affected the other illnesses eg going for a walk and having an accident half way through; travelling to a specialist - and having an accident half way there; also history of late stage radiation damage to pelvis and my spouse could not understand why i couldnt reach bathroom in time but sadly he also had radiation to pelvis and now he is in similar predicatment. Even going to the drs, shopping, visiting both of us with illness now complicated by the bowel issue - and its a subject not many want to discuss, not even my adult children Thing is they say; wear disposable diapers but they only work for urine incontinence not the other! Sorry to bring this into conversation, but its just all the other illnesses seem to be impacted by this - and how can we even move to a nursing home/old folks home when we never know when we have to jump in the shower - who wants to clean up after us when we will no longer be able to do it ourselves - it is a real downer! J.


It sure helps to read how others are coping with multiple illnesses but just not working for me. Having fecal incontinence now since C,Diff and over 100 vancomycin seems to have affected the other illnesses eg going for a walk and having an accident half way through; travelling to a specialist - and having an accident half way there; also history of late stage radiation damage to pelvis and my spouse could not understand why i couldnt reach bathroom in time but sadly he also had radiation to pelvis and now he is in similar predicatment. Even going to the drs, shopping, visiting both of us with illness now complicated by the bowel issue - and its a subject not many want to discuss, not even my adult children Thing is they say; wear disposable diapers but they only work for urine incontinence not the other! Sorry to bring this into conversation, but its just all the other illnesses seem to be impacted by this - and how can we even move to a nursing home/old folks home when we never know when we have to jump in the shower - who wants to clean up after us when we will no longer be able to do it ourselves - it is a real downer! J.

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@lacy2, I know it has to be quite unsettling for both you and your husband not to mention the extra work for you. There is another discussion where @colleenyoung posted a video by a Mayo doctor on fecal incontinence and information about treatment and self-management of fecal incontinence. Here's link to Colleen's post:

-- Colon Cancer: Fecal Incontinence and Reversal Surgery:

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