How long has PMR lasted - I'm trying to find the average

Posted by shannaam @shannaam, Apr 16, 2022

I've had PMR for just over a year now and I'm trying to reduce the Prednisone as I hate taking pharmaceuticals. Just wondering how long I'm going to have to put up with it! My doctor has said very little as they don't seem to know why people get only to take Prednisone to ease the pain. Also that it can last between 1 & 5 years! Just trying to find out from people who have it or had it - to get an average.

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I was told by a doctor at the University of Iowa 1-4 years average.
But others have told me they don’t know, just like the cause and why it disappears. I am starting year five. So tired of prednisone and the side effects. Have tried methotrexate and other drugs to no avail. Starting Actemra infusions now as my rheumatologist thinks I may also have seronegative RA. I think she may be running out of treatment options. I fear this may be my future life. Anyone else have horrible attacks of sweating from prednisone?
Thank you and best wishes.


I was told by a doctor at the University of Iowa 1-4 years average.
But others have told me they don’t know, just like the cause and why it disappears. I am starting year five. So tired of prednisone and the side effects. Have tried methotrexate and other drugs to no avail. Starting Actemra infusions now as my rheumatologist thinks I may also have seronegative RA. I think she may be running out of treatment options. I fear this may be my future life. Anyone else have horrible attacks of sweating from prednisone?
Thank you and best wishes.

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I do have the
Sweating and as it is I tolerate it because the pain is so much better . Difficult side effects for sure but better than pain. Take care and listen to our bodies. Each person is unique.


think there is a british study that says the median is 7 years

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Mayo Clinic study showed 5.9 years


I do have the
Sweating and as it is I tolerate it because the pain is so much better . Difficult side effects for sure but better than pain. Take care and listen to our bodies. Each person is unique.

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Reassuring to hear others have the sweating. I am sorry as I know how awful it is. I have had most doctors look at me like it can’t possibly be that bad. Yes, it is.


1 was diagnosed 1 year ago. I am also wondering the average time it lasts.


I was told by a doctor at the University of Iowa 1-4 years average.
But others have told me they don’t know, just like the cause and why it disappears. I am starting year five. So tired of prednisone and the side effects. Have tried methotrexate and other drugs to no avail. Starting Actemra infusions now as my rheumatologist thinks I may also have seronegative RA. I think she may be running out of treatment options. I fear this may be my future life. Anyone else have horrible attacks of sweating from prednisone?
Thank you and best wishes.

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I have had many attacks of sweating over the past year on Prednisone. A friend informed me that it was due to the medication.


I was diagnosed May, 2021 - had already had it since December - am in the process of being well now July, 2022. I m down to 2mg methyprednisolone every other day, 10cc methotrxtrate injtion weekly and 2 injections of Kevzara each month.


I was diagnosed with PMR in March 2020 and was on a slow prednisone taper for 20 months. Thankfully I remain in remission and have no significant side effects from prednisone. PMR is definitely a marathon not a sprint.


I was diagnosed in April of 2021. I started at 25 MG of prednisone for about 5 months. Then I started to taper down. It took a while, and a few times I had to go back up to a previous dose, but I am now prednisone free as of 6 days ago. I am so glad it is finally gone. It stayed with me about 14 and a half months. Good luck to you!!


I was diagnosed in April of 2021. I started at 25 MG of prednisone for about 5 months. Then I started to taper down. It took a while, and a few times I had to go back up to a previous dose, but I am now prednisone free as of 6 days ago. I am so glad it is finally gone. It stayed with me about 14 and a half months. Good luck to you!!

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I was diagnosed in June of 2015 - I am a long-timer. Hope you have a shorter version.

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