← Return to Brachioradial pruritus. (severe itching on forearms and neck, no rash).

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Hi. I am struggling. For the past 3 years I have suffered severe itching on both forearms.. the first 2-3 years it seemed seasonal and I thought it was allergies. This past year has been the worse, constant sores on my arms from scratching. I have tried all sorts of creams, steroids, oils, etc. Ice is the only thing that has helped. I have recently seen a dermotologist who gave no answers other than I am not allergic to anything... I have been struggling with my doctor (who I just fired) who hasn't been of help.. I was requesting to be referred to a neurologist but instead she prescribed me gabopentin which I have read works but I'd really prefer to know what is wrong over just taking piils? what is causing this? I am only 28 years old.. I am more of a "natural remedy" type.. trying to avoid most medicines unless necessary. I used to think my arms were beautiful and now they are scarred and rashy. It is hard to concentrate and sometimes hard to sleep. Any recommendations for how to seek further help? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my neck.. I tried chiropractics a few times but it seems expensive for the 10 minute process... I wonder about getting an MRI to see if there is something going on with my cervical spine? I feel defeated by my doctor who scolded me and chalked it up to me "not taking proper pre-cautions in the sun". I wear sun screen but you can't tell me to wear longsleeves for the rest of my life?! Right...? Thanks for hearing me. No one seems to understand and tries to tell me to do a juice cleanse or something.. I am very healthy and active, great health other than this disorder...

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Replies to "Hi. I am struggling. For the past 3 years I have suffered severe itching on both..."

I truly can sympathize with your situation. I've been dealing with the EXACT same thing for probably 3 or 4 years now, but there were many months in between when my symptoms just disappeared. But now they're back and with a vengeance!! The only relief I get is from ice. And I don't have insurance. 🙄