← Return to Brachioradial pruritus. (severe itching on forearms and neck, no rash).

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Thus it sounds like your type of itch is NOT neurogenic.........meaning coming from the underlying sensory nerves. I am learning that one possible way to distinguish a neurogenic itch from these other dermatological itches is that after the area is scratched.....15-30 seconds later, there is a burning sensation........

I am seeing a neurosurgeon from Hopkins next week due to what was seen on my cervical MRI. I am still not sure of this connection but possible there is nerve encroachment in my spine that is affecting the dorsal area of my upper arms.

Wondering if anyone else has a neurogenic itch that is accompanied with this stinging and burning after scratching?

BTW - I am finding some relief from the TKAL cream - specially compounded by the pharmacist - expensive and not covered by insurance. TKAL - us a topical lotion with ketamine, amitripytaline and lidocaine.

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Replies to "Thus it sounds like your type of itch is NOT neurogenic.........meaning coming from the underlying sensory..."

The compound Does very little for mine.