Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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I have been getting them and if I am correct I didn't have any serious side effects but if you don't feel comfortable with them yourself. You have the choice to say no. It is ultimately up to you.
Hello @icart. I'm sorry that you've experienced more pain since receiving botox for migraine. Given MRI and CT scans are normal and 4 neurologists have no answer about your pain, Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) might be worth researching. Are you familiar with CSS?
Hello Rachel,
No I am not familiar with CSS. Some things don't show up on tests, and if they don't most doctors cannot see the problem, it takes a very good diagnostician to pin point something that is out of the box, this is what I am counting on, to the day when a Dr. finds my problem and once he does only then can it be treated, I realize that I have an isolated case.
thank you for your advise
Here's a video presentation on CSS by Dr. Sletten from the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center:
Perhaps what he explains will resonate as to why you have unexplainable pain from a very routine botox injection that typically does not cause pain as you describe.
Are you taking medications for the pain? Do you have pain anywhere else or is it isolated to your head?
I am finding it frustrating that they ask for my email address and password each time, I thought if I was a registered member,
I would be able to access everything with no trouble.
@icart Hi Dana, what are you having trouble accessing?
My Dr is suggesting that I try Botox for my chronic migraine headaches. I have them about 5times a week.
Hi @jeanette56, welcome to Connect. Having migraine episodes that often is challenging and can become quite disruptive to everyday life. I certainly feel for you having been through it myself.
Here's a conversation you may find helpful:
Migraine Headache- What helps you Cope-
Some folks do experience migraine relief from Botox injections and swear by the treatment. Unfortunately, its one of those things where you dont necessarily know until you try. Are you considering Botox? What other migraine treatments have you tried, if any?
After endless tests including biopsies for temporal arteritis, I am having an occipital nerve block next week in hopes that it will help. Anyone else have a nerve block shot?
Hi @jeanette56….I am chronic migraine patient who has been using Botox in my tool kit for many years to reduce migraines….with many interventions, I have reduced them from 15-20 a month to 5-8. Botox did not work at all the first few times I did it, but I had read that sometimes it takes a few times to work. I weathered the storm (I am not a fan of all those shots every 3 months), but felt so much relief when the fourth attempt worked - which was going to be my last try. Good luck with your decision as what works for one of us, does not necessarily work for another one.