You can find average wait times for all US transplant centers at TXMULTILISTING.COM along with almost every thing you need to know regarding multilisting, including travel time information.
Transplant centers will accept test results from other transplant centers, however each transplant center I contacted required at least one face to face visit and additional testing that can take several days, depending on scheduling.
You should review travel options, I was listed at 2 transplant centers that were 8 + hours from my location via car. For those, I had made arrangements for a private air charter that could leave with a 1 hour notice, expensive and arrangements need to be made in advance. The website also includes contact info for several organizations that can assist in flying you for a transplant with minimal costs.
Your transplant center appears to have an average wait time of over 5 years, as do most in CA.
Every transplant center has their own requirements. After you review possible options, you can contact each center you are considering.
Temporary relocation may also be an option.
This web site helped me to save my life. The worse thing you can do is just sit and wait. After you review the website, please post any additional questions you have to this topic.
Good luck, get started today.
Do not wait until tomorrow.
Frayfl, thank you for this info. I looked at the site you mentioned, TXMULTILISTING.COM, and they do have a lot of info. I clicked on a Center and it took me to someone asking if I need help with the whole process and applications. Can I trust this person as not a scam? Has anyone you know used their process from this website to apply to centers? Also, did you try working with Angel Flights West, for me, to use if called by a Center to get there as soon as possible for a transplant? I really do not have local support near a transplant center in these other states, other than Phoenix. I have just sent a referral to Mayo from my doctor so will see how long it takes to process and what next steps are. Thank you for this email thread of information. BB